August 1, 2022: VENUS sextile URANUS
August 1, 2022: VENUS sextile MARS
August 4, 2022: MERCURY enters VIRGO
Astrology of August 2 thru 6, 2022
last week last week MARS conjoined URANUS in the NORTH NODE and next week MARS square SATURN so whatever rebellion or artificial momentum you created or whatever upheaval you started might be stopped or halted or restricted in some way next week on August 2nd VENUS sextiles URANUS and MARS coming up the MARS URANUS conjunction there's a connection with VENUS so an opportunity for something delightful or [Music] your pleasure seeking runs into a bit of danger an opportunity for a satisfying bit of lust there could be like a sudden um [Music] relationship formed or a sudden connection thought ends up being lustful magnetic it's an interesting aspect coming right off of the MARS URANUS connection MARS URANUS NORTH NODE on August 4th MERCURY enters VIRGO so um things can make sense again not that they don't make sense in LEO coherence is available in LEO for sure but with MERCURY and LEO um and paradoxically coherence becomes more and more questionable the further into VIRGO MERCURY transits because MERCURY will oppose NEPTUNE on August 21st oh so MERCURY opposes NEPTUNE August 21st but it enters shadow on August 20th so that's when things start to um get junked up and glitchy i personally it depends on your relationship with MERCURY but i personally find the shadow period and the approximate week leading up to MERCURY's retrograde station which will be MERCURY stations retrograde September 10th so late August early September it will be the finest form of glitchiness with an exalted MERCURY in VIRGO VIRGO is a MERCURY's planet of communication and travel so in VIRGO it wants to sort details um the version that virglo refers to as any virgin material so in the lore it's a virgin holding wheat if you've just harvested wheat you need to process it with VIRGO i think of processing TAURUS is kind of a process and CAPRICORN is establishing a process or establishing the way things are but with MERCURY and VIRGO i think of processing or even triage the action of sorting according to quality it um wasn't until world war one that this term came to be associated with categorizing soldiers according to the severity of their wounds but the word triage just means to sort MERCURY is much more calm and less frenetic in VIRGO than in its other home sign GEMINI VIRGO is also one of the human signs VIRGO is a virgin a human LIBRA is the scales which is an inanimate object but the air signs are considered human science it's relational AQUARIUS another human sign the water bearer it's an actual human GEMINI the twins another human sign so the human signs are the air signs LIBRA AQUARIUS GEMINI and one earth sign MERCURY exalts in VIRGO most planets rule two signs and they exult in one of the signs they don't rule with the exception of MERCURY who exalts in one of their home signs MERCURY being about exceptions all the planets have an equinox except MERCURY and all the human signs of the zodiac are air except MERCURY's earth sign MERCURY and VIRGO wants to separate what's valuable and important and worthwhile from what's a waste of time and resources you're throwing away what needs to go and you're keeping what needs to say if you need to make a plan consider doing it from August 10th through 17th depending on how that hits your own chart that would be MERCURY MERCURY in the middle of VIRGO MERCURY in VIRGO i think of miniaturization because of the attention of detail miniaturization in the dictionary is the process of using technology to make things very small i mean it's VIRGO is certainly not about shrinking things but it is about looking at the small parts of all things sometimes to the detriment of being able to see the forest for the trees but you need both you need the finite and to keep an eye on it and you need the infinite the big picture so that would be the VIRGO PISCES axis and MERCURY versus JUPITER anyway what i'm talking about right now is MERCURY transiting VIRGO MERCURY will station retrograde in VIRGO on August 20th the zodiac has associations with different parts of the body so it has associations with regions of the body but also with organs working parts VIRGO has associations with a small intestine so if you think of MERCURY's thinking and connecting things making associations and things like delivery and travel that's what the small intestine does it absorbs the right stuff and rejects the stuff that needs to be rejected it sends nutrients to the proper places mercurial and its ability to know what things go where and its ability to allow things to travel safely where they need to go the small intestine can be equated with intellectualizing in one way and the way VIRGO does where it can separate what's important from what's not what's needed what is unnecessary and also with delivery and travel and wayfinding MERCURY's associations with roads literal physical roads with VIRGO you're on the earth and you're traveling and with wayfinding actual signage and what it communicates finding your way through the physical world whereas with gemiini there's like the transmission of information it's more about that MERCURY in VIRGO is empirical and i think of analytics like what's going on you've grown and harvested you've accumulated the traffic you're getting all the data now what do you do with it and how do you one time i took a data science course for fun anyway data as a science as a discipline there's a whole lot of attention placed on how the data is collected what data are you collecting where did it come from what is the legitimacy or viability of this data sorting what is good data from what is bad data and then also how do you use it like if you have a vast amount of data you could do a lot of things that you can just show like one facet of it or how do you visualize all facets of a data set all at once MERCURY and VIRGO has the wherewithal to accomplish this there's a groundedness in earth to MERCURY seeking of the right information and how to connect it properly another thing i think of with MERCURY MERCURY and VIRGO gets proper amounts of trace minerals trace minerals being minute presence of certain chemicals MERCURY in VIRGO detects and knows what to do with such minute presences the term trace also has associations with the term vestige and the latin vestidium pertains to a footprint which i think is really interesting in regards to travel communication and travel it's not the third which would be PISCES and JUPITER it's the footprint the evidence and what you do with that information is it important information or is it superfluous i mean TAURUS is more of a process and VIRGO is like pre-processing or post-production taking the whole thing and connecting the right parts together editing the right parts together knowing what to do with the whole and its parts how to use the sum of its parts most effectively MERCURY in VIRGO is the generalist even in specialty MERCURY ensures shadow on August 20th which means it reaches the degree that it's going to eventually station direct at and MERCURY will be in the sign of VIRGO until August 25th and then again from September 24th to October 10th as i'm recording this it just became the hour of MERCURY next week is kind of a lot so this period not much next week is kind of a lot MARS square is SATURN and VENUS opposes PLUTO and we have the full MOON in AQUARIUS
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