August 7, 2022: MARS square SATURN
August 8, 2022: VENUS opposite PLUTO
August 11, 2022: VENUS enters LEO
August 11, 2022: FULL MOON in AQUARIUS
Astrology of August 7 thru 11, 2022
have you had enough yet of the MARS frustration time that's kind of what this year is about we started it off with MARS conjoining SATURN that was on April 4th and then MARS has been transiting toward us for what feels like forever since early July MARS and TAURUS can be kind of arrogant in its frustration and also i want to cause trouble just for trouble sake because it's so frustrated the term brutality pertains to bestial fierce or cruel and that's MARS and the sign of the bull imagine trying to reason with an angry bull that's MARS and TAURUS except SATURN in AQUARIUS isn't trying to reason with the angry bull but is imposing restrictions so there's still this like leaving versus staying thing that's been going on with SATURN and AQUARIUS and MARS and TAURUS can be mean martha TAURUS can be mean and stubborn and especially with URANUS and RAHU inordinately rebellious it's funny the word energy which pertains to MARS comes from a root ergon meaning work that which is rot it's difficult to get the work wrought with MARS in TAURUS and since it's been so frustrating MARS May have wanted to force something with its recent conjunction with URANUS and RAHU but now it hits a wall and so with MARS squaring SATURN that energy is controlled and restricted by SATURN its regulations you could regulate your blood sugar you want it even and not peaking MARS and TAURUS gets nothing done or it wants to peak and break things and SATURN wants to regulate so if you can turn things into a slow burn that can be constructive but also a slow burn could mean as i said in my last video trying to light a log or tree trunk on fire using just like a bic lighter the word control speaking of SATURN comes from a root contra meaning against and roche-less meaning the wheel and that reminds me of this scene from the before time television series game of thrones which is no longer cool but i don't care i shall reenact it for you now it's paraphrased all the leaners are just spokes on a wheel there's this one on top then that one on top and on and on it goes crushing those on the ground it's a beautiful dream stopping the wheel you're not the first person who's ever dreamt it i'm not going to stop the wheel i'm going to break the wheel that's MARS and TAURUS squaring SATURN in AQUARIUS except the character who wants to break the wheel ends up dying and SATURN is in the superior position so the restrictions win and the force the energy remains frustrated and that sets us up for MARS transit of GEMINI which begins on August 20th on August 8th VENUS opposes PLUTO this is a very interesting and potent culminating aspect considering all the stuff that went on in the winter with VENUS VENUS was conjunct PLUTO meaning with PLUTO three times during its retrograde phase in the winter that was December 11th December 24th and March 3rd so what has culminated since then what in your life is now pinging those same themes VENUS in the last part of CANCER really wants nice things very special and carefully made luxuries and relationships and PLUTO in the last part of CAPRICORN the last part of CAPRICORN is the administration specifically and PLUTO corrupts what it touches so that's very clear i mean we can all see it it's blatant outright corruption within the administration VENUS in CANCER wants these wonderful things and wonderful relationships cultivated over time and PLUTO in the seat of power being corrupt somehow opposes that or strikes a loud and forceful connection with our desire for nice things that we care about i mean CANCER and CAPRICORN can be what we care about versus what's practical and PLUTO in the third phase of CAPRICORN could be like an iron fist stating what's practical or it could be masquerading as what's practical with unconscious or subconscious undertones of power struggle anything connecting with PLUTO is going to have subconscious undertones of power struggle so when we have VENUS connecting to PLUTO that's in our relationships and pertaining to our desires makes me think of the first few lines of the song sympathy for the devil and VENUS connecting to PLUTO in any way always makes us think of beauty and the beast it's like imprisonment and desire together and intensity that's all or nothing eroticism and magnetism and all the dangers that can lie therein in making yourself vulnerable to another party especially if they're in the seat of power and PLUTO can pertain to things like humiliation and shame and when that's coming from the seat of power that's a way to exert control on a person or a population cults do this also legitimate and good spiritual traditions do this breaking down your ego giving you humility when this is wielded by people who are mean or have questionable motives then the breaking down of ego can be problematic but the theme of shame and humiliation with VENUS opposing PLUTO can totally be a thing right now August 8th connected back to December it can be like uh any opposition with PLUTO especially in the third phase of CAPRICORN it can make me think of in SATURN sign forced compliance it's like peer pressure but Maybe from one person or Maybe from the administration and with the MARS squaring SATURN right now we have echoes of this time last year when MARS was opposing SATURN and we had themes of being pressured by administrations and being pressured by our peers then on August 11th VENUS enters LEO so breaks free from PLUTO but enters the clutches of SATURN SATURN is in late AQUARIUS so VENUS won't oppose SATURN exactly until a little later however VENUS opposes SATURN by sign so it's like the besiegement of VENUS from earlier in the year February this echoes thought slightly where there's like oh you thought you were out of the woods but it's out of the frying pan and into the fire was VENUS in a fire sign and the themes here will be like um VENUS and LEO wants to be seen for wants to be viewed wants their tastes and proclivities to be on display wants um beauty and desire ability to be seen and identified with while VENUS is in LEO we can practice standing in beauty whatever that means for you and themes of courage and loyalty could be more highly valued VENUS in LEO places via VENUS and LEO places VENUS at the center of the universe the tastes and desires therein are lionized celebrated this could be showing off showing off things like clothes and makeup techniques or just like general animal magnetism but not in the way that's like physical the way that's like from the heart and also with VENUS and LEO relationships and physical things and emotions pertaining to pleasure or bonds can be centralized central or more identified with with VENUS entering LEO beginning her transit towards exact opposition with SATURN and on the same day the full MOON in AQUARIUS we emphasize the themes of inner authority versus external authority inner authority beating inner authority with LEO and the SUN has been transiting LEO since July 22nd an external authority with SATURN and AQUARIUS SATURN has been transiting AQUARIUS since roughly March of 2020. so the full MOON in AQUARIUS is August 11th the dark MOON in AQUARIUS was January 31st 2022. think of what in the AQUARIUS part of your chart you May have had a new beginning regarding back in late January what now has peaked what has come to fruition and then how will you expend that energy until the darkMOON in AQUARIUS in 2023 this full MOON is conjunct SATURN so it can feel kind of merciless for more on SATURN and AQUARIUS see my previous video it's from about a month ago it's called price action i'll link it also PLUTO's transit of AQUARIUS is almost upon us and i came across this diagram around this timing last year from from the technocracy researcher alison mcdowell so if you're wondering what PLUTO in AQUARIUS is about this is what it's about anyway with the fulminant AQUARIUS conjunct SATURN in AQUARIUS if you feel disregarded first start with how might you have been disregarding your own needs or what needs haven't been met due to exile or division there could be an experience of not being connected to something meaningful and feeling ostracized in that way and we could also find solace in enjoyment of the absurd also see my video where i talk about PLUTO and AQUARIUS it's from about two months ago and it's called cigarettes i'll link it the term austerity comes from a french term meaning harshness or cruelty and a latin root meaning severe rigid and even sour which is interesting because in ancient texts i think SATURN has all the planets have flavors and SATURN is bitter and sour and SATURN can be severe and associated with rigidity it's structures it's concrete it's the way things are and SATURN is the planet furthest out viewable by the naked eye regarding severities or extremes extreme cold specifically MARS the other malefic being associated with extreme heat i think of rationing with this lunation this full MOON right on SATURN ration comes from a middle english term meaning reasonable so it's like well we just have to be reasonable we have to be practical exterior authority opposite the SUN and LEO knowing who it is and what it wants again it's inner versus outer leadership the themes of this full MOON on August 11th so we had this rebellion with MARS conjoining URANUS and RAHU if we don't see it on the surface it is there under the surface something we might find out about later we might find out about it during SCORPIO season in late October and November and during eclipse season what's happening now and during this loon nation is setting us up for November which also coincides with our midterm elections in the united states if there are midterm elections in November when the SUN is in SCORPIO the SUN will be with the SOUTH NODE so there's a draining of power of the SUN and of leadership it could be like with SATURN in AQUARIUS a takeover although the SUN is in the superior position so what does it mean to have like a hollowed-out leader and have that somehow connect to the corrupting surprise dredging up the latent and making it real quality of the eclipses next the SUN opposes SATURN exactly this lunation takes place opposite the SUN but VENUS trans JUPITER so there's a silver lining or a golden lining with the benefits and fire signs and the third quarter MOON is August 18th