June 10, 2022: MERCURY trine PLUTO again
June 11, 2022: VENUS conjunct URANUS
June 13, 2022: MERCURY enters GEMINI again
the first quarter MOON is on June 7th that's the halfway point between the dark MOON and the full MOON the MOON is filling with light so we're ramping up whatever groundwork was laid during the darkMOON in GEMINI on May 30th also we have a lot of dignified planets right now this week functions functioning well if the planets are like characters they're able to do their thing they're like in their element SATURN in AQUARIUS which side of the wall are you on did you land on which side of the chasm the various the world's various chasms do you land on pro tip all the chasms on the surface are meant to distract you from [Music] the real things that divide us what i mean by that is like if sat like AQUARIUS is the collective and one thing that SATURN does is divide there are all these issues that divide us when someone holds a belief that you don't believe in or if you think someone is wrong consider like actually sit with the idea that this person actually believes this truly there are definitely varying degrees but if you give everyone the benefit of the doubt they really truly believe this and then most spiritual traditions regard us as different extrusions of the same consciousness like the same all one consciousness so if the other person believes stuff truly and the other person is basically you just like living another version of the experience of um living in a human body event your body's an event basically um on earth if they're you doing that just in a different way then so there's like a division between [Music] between you and them like in regards to whatever the issue is but you can you can put a division between you and your and recognize that someone else actually believes whatever it is that you don't agree with and an ability to find common ground is something that brings us all together because if if what SATURN does is divide and AQUARIUS one of the things that AQUARIUS represents exile another thing that AQUARIUS represents the collective everyone like if you go up in a plane and look at all the humans we're all humans we are the collective we are we are all here on earth living in bodies falling through time um that's not my terminology i got that from when i went to see duncan trussell do stand up one time i can't get it out of my head we're living in human bodies falling through time anyway if if AQUARIUS is exile and it is also the collective then if we realize that we're all humans and everybody believes different stuff and we need to find a way to live together rather than cutting people out of our lives because they believe something different or arguing with them i mean one thing you do if you want to control people is create various binARIES for them to argue about like if i wanted to control people that's what i would do and this is why SATURN i think is one reason why SATURN is exalted in LIBRA because there is an acknowledgment of like the one-on-one relationship the the SATURN in LIBRA a key word for standard and LIBRA namaste and i don't mean that in like the [Music] commercial american fitness yoga way i mean that in the what it actually means which is the light in me recognizes the light in you and there's a respect that has to happen when you come to terms with the fact that someone who truly believes something that you don't believe um [Music] is also you they deserve the same type of respect um that you believe you deserve rightly so okay so that was a diatribe on SATURN and AQUARIUS so on June 10th MERCURY trines PLUTO again MERCURY trend PLUTO on May 25th and on April 27th so on April 27th MERCURY was direct in TAURUS driving PLUTO and on May 25th it was retrograde in TAURUS trining PLUTO in CAPRICORN what is being mined for value PLUTO in an earth sign MERCURY which has been retrograde there are themes of depth themes of value and power what is being mined for value so that power can be had or kept or rested like taken away w-r-e-s-t-e-d what can you mine for value and what are you being mined for we're all being mined for value by the power structure by the way if you use free email if you use social media these things when they're free you're the product [Music] the fact that the value of social media is a lie i'm just going to say that i know that lots of people enjoy it but people led rich lives before it and it's just mining your data so it can create an edible digital twin of you like an algorithm version of you that it can like then like feed different content i'm really on a tear this week uh anyway MERCURY trying PLUTO MERCURY is direct it's like looking behind the scenes we looked behind the scenes on April 27th um as sort of like a prologue we looked behind the scenes May 25th but it was like behind the scenes and under the hood and now we we're looking behind the scenes again like we're paying attention to the man behind the curtain hang on so yeah MERCURY train PLUTO here it's like a push notification saying you are being mined for resources your precious human essence is being harvested by the technocracy okay and um including your consumption of the video you're watching right now on June 11th the next day VENUS conjoins URANUS um so a disruption of VENUS things whether that's in like a sudden influx of VENUS things or a sudden um like a sudden uh breaking their breaking of venous things sudden symbiosis or sudden pulling apart since it's VENUS in a VENUS ruled sign [Music] URANUS can be like kind of extremely MARSy in the way that it like forks the timeline like cuts off in the way that URANUS decides VENUS conjoining URANUS could just as easily bring like a sudden sudden influx of something enjoyable or suddenly you enjoy something that you're doing already because it's in a fixed sign the fixed sign of TAURUS finding some enjoyment and something that you're maintaining sudden enjoyment of stuff that other people or beings made some sort of innovation around an experience of luxury i think of like okay uh VENUS in TAURUS conjoining URANUS um it was like a bull market for beyond meat that's just like a bunch of relevant topics all on top of each other like put into a delicious cheeseburger of VENUS and TAURUS concepts all of a sudden keep an eye on overindulgence during this time because VENUS is going to square SATURN on June 18th so if you take on something that's kind of long-term or you choose to like suddenly begin to mean start maintaining something you might see find yourself challenged when VENUS square SATURN June 18th so keep an eye on that hoarding luxuries or hoarding a commitment to experience luxury uh keep in mind if you commit to something it your commitment will be tested by SATURN SATURN will test you but June 11th VENUS conjoining URANUS the nodal axis is here and we just had the eclipses so this speaks to the um change the changes that are happening the process of change that goes from [Music] this past January of 2022 for approximately 18 months or so so stuff that happens in SCORPIO and TAURUS is going to speak to that process in various ways like stuff besides the eclipses with VENUS connecting URANUS and TAURUS i think if things like i mean URANUS and TAURUS is gonna bring on new things to maintain it's gonna break things that you were maintaining [Music] when it's VENUS it's ruled by VENUS and VENUS says here conjoining URANUS change can feel like a betrayal when something comes in or is taken away that's so wildly different from what you expect to maintain so VENUS conjoining URANUS it could be something suddenly good amazing it could be something suddenly that doesn't feel great because it's different um it's a good time to try like a new style of lovemaking do something weird if you have a partner or you have a creative practice or you have an art appreciation habit do something weird make it exciting with VENUS and TAURUS conjoining URANUS in TAURUS i think of just you know it could be good it could be a sudden boon it could be a sudden loss i think of what day traders look for they don't look for like the prices to go up and you know sometimes they can make money if the prices go down so what they really keep an eye on is price action and this looks like price action to me there's been a lot of price action lately so Maybe it'll be like unexpectedly still i'm not making market predictions here but i'm saying whatever unexpectedness day traders profit from price action so how can you profit from the action the price action how can you derive enjoyment extract wealth mind value as i was talking about earlier from the aspect that happens the day before it's all price action whether it goes up or down you can find a way to um experience it as valuable again easier said than done i know like something will probably happen in my life that will be like i'm having difficulty um experiencing this as valuable and then June 13th MERCURY enters GEMINI again MERCURY last entered GEMINI on May 9th and then it went back into TAURUS uh like um whatever you were like excited to we're enthusiastic about moving forward with curious things that you're curious about eclipse season [Music] themes um that occurred April 29th through late May things you might have been curious about can now begin to move forward or you can kind of like Maybe see what that was about more it was just like dipping a toe into GEMINI real quick and then and then pulling back out um but so MERCURY in GEMINI sending and receiving now works as you can tell i don't have MERCURY in GEMINI natalie you can turn your thoughts into accurate representations of your thoughts you can [Music] do things really fast you can learn things really fast when you associ when you um overlay parts of the body onto the zodiac it's not like to be woo and like for whatever reason is because those parts of the body encompass what that zodiac sign is about GEMINI is said to preside over or be associated with the hands so your hands are they're two things but they're also one thing they're hands so there's one thing [Music] about how GEMINI's two things the hands send and receive you can [Music] type dms you can pass a note if you live several decades ago um [Music] you can do sign language or gestures you can feel things and get a sense of texture and understand what things are so you can um send and receive with your hands and that's what GEMINI is about so it's a time if you need to do anything technical if you need to do writing you can do that so we had the dark MOON in GEMINI on May 30th and the SUN is in GEMINI and MERCURY is moving back into GEMINI after a brief retrograde stint in GEMINI um a few weeks ago keep an eye on the themes that come up during this time the SUN in GEMINI MERCURY and GEMINI things that May have come up around the darkMOON in GEMINI that stuff is going to come back up or be evoked in some way when MARS enters GEMINI and remains there so MARS enters GEMINI in August and remains in GEMINI until next year because MARS is going retrograde in GEMINI that's a major signature of the second part of this year that we're starting to get a sense of right now so if you pay attention to that stuff whatever is going on in the GEMINI part of your chart you can begin to prepare for MARS in GEMINI and also the full MOON in GEMINI which will be in December whatever groundwork you laid whatever thought forms you begin began to call in whatever information you began to call in around the darkman in GEMINI May 30th can come to fruition or reach a culmination during the full MOON in GEMINI in December and the MARS retrograde will be happening during that time on June 14th we have the full MOON in SAGITTARIUS whilst MERCURY is also in GEMINI but i'll talk about that next time think about things you might have began during the dark MOON in SAGITTARIUS which was an eclipse back in November the GEMINI SAGITTARIUS access pertains to ways of knowing that's it