June 15, 2022: SUN trine SATURN retrograde
June 16, 2022: VENUS conjunct NORTH NODE
June 18, 2022: VENUS square SATURN, VENUS sextile NEPTUNE
June 19, 2022: MERCURY sextile JUPITER
the last full MOON of spring the full MOON in SAGITTARIUS it might be time for your dungeons and dragons revival because it's a game and MERCURY is in GEMINI and it has to do with like metaphorical overlays regarding your map of the world SAGITTARIUS is connected to a mythical beast and it pertains to philosophy and meaning and travel and makes us think about what it means to be human in lots of ways of looking at the world humans end up being regarded as these beings who have a connection to the earth and they also have a connection to the gods and the heavens there's something special about being human even though some phases of humanity end up taking that a little bit too far and trying to game nature anyway the full MOON in SAGITTARIUS i like to connect dark MOONs and full MOONs with the opposite loon nation six months before so the dark MOON in SAGITTARIUS was on December 4th 2021 and that was a solar eclipse in on the SOUTH NODE so there was something like wrapping up a process a year a roughly year and a half long process on December 4th 2021 in whatever part of your chart coincides with the sign of SAGITTARIUS where you're identifying less with something you let go of through that year and a half process that wrapped up around December 4th ish that wrapping up kind of went into mid-January anyway the darkMOON to the full MOON is like seeds being planted the darkMOON to the full MOON is a period of growth and things building up so the darkMOON in SAGITTARIUS was December 4th and now it's the full MOON in SAGITTARIUS what things are reaching a culmination what things are peaking and then from now until the next dark MOON in SAGITTARIUS you'll get you'll see an expending of that energy so this is the peak peak SAGITTARIUS in regards to the MOON what was it that you released that you let go of around December 4th that made room for something else and it's the last full MOON of spring on June 15th the SUN trains SATURN SATURN just stationed retrograde so there's a little bit of a pulling back in regards to SATURN themes themes of discipline patience taking your will and making it real it might be that you have the confidence to claim a position of authority the MOON is waning however so so there might be some things to wrap up before you can continue building your inner sense of identity can have a centering quality that stabilizes in the concrete world the SUN has a connection with the spine all the movement comes from the spine and all the movement is for the spine the spine is has a centering quality SATURN has a connection to the skin it's the outer boundary also it shows the consequences of what's going on inside the skin is like a signaling system SATURN is not necessarily a signaling system but it is correlated to what's real the SUN training SATURN is about taking steps towards slow growth something that you're building slowly and methodically the opening square to SATURN can also pertain to plans Maybe you need SATURN as retrograde so Maybe you need to adjust some plans on June 15th like early morning June 16th more like June 16th VENUS can joins the NORTH NODE as far as planets conjoining the north node VENUS can have kind of a good time this could be kind of a good time again watch it like over indulgence VENUS and TAURUS conjoining the north node that could definitely point over indulgence and VENUS is going to square SATURN soon so you might get consequences for whatever happens when VENUS conjoins the NORTH NODE but the NORTH NODE takes spiritual energies and makes them physical turns them into matter almost to the detriment of the spiritual and VENUS is about pleasures that are mostly physical embodied it's also about one-on-one relations so you get things like luxury love beauty when you make VENUS topics real which they're already sort of naturally predisposed to being physical or embodied through the sign of TAURUS where it likes to be with the NORTH NODE that's kind of a lot Maybe you get 100 free massages or Maybe you get a truckload of stone fruits or Maybe you have a really long bath or Maybe you have a long lovemaking session Maybe it's so long that you miss a meeting that you're scheduled to have Maybe you order everything on the dessert card but then it makes you not feel great too much of a good thing VENUS conjoining the NORTH NODE also on June 16th the SUN squares NEPTUNE and this is the SUN heading into the solstice the end of GEMINI there's a decision-making there's all this multiplicity in GEMINI and the end of GEMINI is like it's kind of MARShall in a way it's like decide cut off possibilities direct yourself away from some possibilities so as to pursue others like sometimes you have to give up things in order to pursue other things but the SUN at the end of GEMINI squaring NEPTUNE at the end of PISCES Maybe you're over identifying with something that's like idealized Maybe your identification with a matter or process is clouded or confused if the SUN at the end of GEMINI is about letting go and the and NEPTUNE in the third phase of PISCES is kind of this like idealized beautiful happy ending place it might be that ultimately you let go of something and you're let down discernment might be hard to come by the end of GEMINI relies on discernment but the SUN is squaring NEPTUNE so on June 18th VENUS squares SATURN like later in the day so earlier in the day the MOON conjoined SATURN and then VENUS squares SATURN so this will be uh there this will be prominent and late AQUARIUS pertains to exit interesting with the air signs so with VENUS squaring SATURN Maybe what VENUS and TAURUS is trying to do is somehow blocked or taken away but it's it's VENUS so if we're gonna have a VENUS squaring SATURN it's SATURN in AQUARIUS and VENUS in TAURUS so at least they're both dignified it's like the best version of like getting blocked or Maybe the too much of a good thing is somehow muffled or lessened in a way that is beneficial but for the most part it's not um that's probably not gonna feel great like Maybe later you'll see how it was for the best as with every single aspect ever i guess it's easy to say but um yeah there are a lot of times when i had a hard time with something and if somebody told me it's for the best i would have a hard time believing that in the moment but this is the best version of whatever frustrations or conservatism blocks VENUS trying to have fun or feel good it might be something that pertains to loss it's the opening square with SATURN though so Maybe something needs to be let go of again before this VENUS process can continue or you know something needs to be let go of something gets blocked some authority figure says no to something or you say no to something that someone else is someone else wants Maybe you're SATURN if things get harsh you'll have more access to beauty and gratitude then you might otherwise if you have to deal with a difficult situation there's more opportunity for dealing with it in a way that can ultimately feel good or foster relationships even if you have to let go of one then VENUS squares NEPTUNE so applying to SATURN and then you might like seek and escape or there's an opportunity to have like a nice little escape VENUS in TAURUS sextiling NEPTUNE that's kind of nice that seems good for music musical pursuits or listening to music or like a nighttime situation some like beautiful roman stone room with like floating candles and charcuterie and desserts and intimacy and and it's VENUS in an earth sign in her in the earth sign that VENUS rules so perhaps you have the opportunity to idealize things in a good way and make them real in a good way you know it could certainly be about like getting something wrong or being deceived or being confused but perhaps with some preparation some preparation and contemplation um Maybe your attitude can make a difference or like imagine like a painting of that scene i described and then you realize it's just a painting with a NEPTUNE you never know also with NEPTUNE and VENUS you'll know the sextile it's a cute aspect there's always a chance that like what you desire can make you easily manipulated i also think like with VENUS squaring NEPTUNE if you're having a dream a way to know that you're dreaming is to look at some image in the dream and then look away and then look at it again and notice that it's different and if it's different if it's something else then you're dreaming i don't know how to like make that analogous to real life somehow to figure out whether or not you're being deceived or manipulated on June 19th MERCURY sextiles JUPITER learn stuff quickly for greater autonomy express things accurately for greater autonomy there could be like enthusiasm to learn or enthusiasm to persuade to facilitate some sort of something you might need to separate from here you can reconcile like the rational with the generous and optimistic it seems very acute to me it seems pretty laser-like i know that it's a cardinal sign and a mutable sign it feels like they can kind of focus each other or JUPITER could have a stabilizing quality MERCURY could have a multivillain multivalent multivalent detail-oriented assistance to what JUPITER is trying to do in ARIES which is um win but in a way that you really have to fight for facts with faith there's a writing coach that i like her name's jennifer locke and she this thing about how um how to make inspiration easy and one of her pointers was to follow your inspiration and that seems like this like if you follow your inspiration you will be inspired pursue your interests here learn stuff express stuff experiment MERCURY in GEMINI sextiling JUPITER in ARIES is not necessarily about experimentation but it seems like a nice place to do it like you'll be supported and driven and you'll have the energy the curiosity potential for precision June 20th is the third quarter MOON we're winding down to the dark MOON now and headed in to summer which is the day after so there's a lot of talk about letting go with all the eclipse stuff a couple weeks ago and that was a more intense sort of gut-wrenching form of letting go the third quarter MOON happens every month and it evokes a more regular less severe cycle of filling up an emptying similar to how when you breathe you fill up an empty when you sleep you fill up with energy and then you get tired you sort of empty throughout the day and then you go back to sleep to recharge when you eat you fill up and empty so the third quarter MOON is about this more regular cycle what can you begin to let go of from the last full MOON in SAGITTARIUS energy was reached a culmination and it's being released so how can you expend that energy how can you spend it spend it wisely if there's anything you need to still let go of in preparation for the dark MOON do it because although this the third quarter MOON is something that happens every month this is the third quarter MOON that leads us into the solstice it's a new year in ancient egypt the summer solstice was regarded as the new year not the winter and again we're at the end of GEMINI so what will you leave behind if you can only work on one project or three projects and you have like five projects or ten projects you're gonna have to let go of some of them i'm saying this for myself when CANCER seizing comes you can only nurture so many things your energy is finite i mean according to some traditions your energy can also be infinite but astrology talks about the structure of reality and there's always a dichotomy between like the infinite of spirit and what SATURN can make real and what the MOON can handle which is like your body your energy levels so next time coming up the SUN enters CANCER we begin summer VENUS enters GEMINI and we have the dark MOON in CANCER