June 21, 2022: VENUS trine PLUTO retrograde, SUN enters CANCER
June 22, 2022: VENUS enters GEMINI
June 27: MARS sextile SATURN retrograde
June 28, 2022: NEPTUNE stations RETROGRADE, SUN square JUPITER
June 21st VENUS trines PLUTO this might be like hitting your stride in regards to the challenges that were happening around VENUS in the winter so VENUS conjoined PLUTO in CAPRICORN on December 11th and December 24th and March 3rd and VENUS was retrograde this winter and VENUS was all entangled with MARS and SATURN in AQUARIUS later on but now you might find you might be able to discover the ways that you have been empowered by those challenges how those um topics are events from the winter have empowered you how you've integrated those challenges it could show you your inner intensity in a way that's useful or creatively powerful this could be good for physical works of art that turn out to be moving in some way VENUS connecting to PLUTO in an expansive way in earth signs could also pertain to amassing of wealth or [Music] the upward transfer of wealth that keeps happening it reminds me of all of it reminds me of the spirit of the depths from carl jung anyway VENUS trining PLUTO after everything VENUS has gone through we're checking back in with the difficulties we experienced during the winter also on the 21st we begin summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere SUN's ingress into CANCER and the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere was regarded as the new year for the ancient egyptians with the SUN and early CANCER our attention is drawn towards what we might identify with so as to foster an emotional bond with a person or a project that we might nurture over time anyway what are you going to nurture what is what is the sign of CANCER what house does that coincide with in your chart um and what you know until the dark MOON what can you wrap up so that you can start to build um you know the stuff that you nurture in the sign of CANCER can amount to accomplish accomplishments it can amount to accomplishments through CAPRICORN so when the SUN is in CAPRICORN you get the full MOON in CANCER anyway CANCER and CAPRICORN if you turn the 12 signs into six then CANCER and CAPRICORN would be the same thing and i feel like a CAPRICORN grandma is a very good um example of like these dual energies this like boss nurturing figure on June 22nd VENUS enters GEMINI so this is like a hot glass is wearing transit this is a time of like dangling a shiny thing to distract you more themes of following your curiosity to get inspired your curiosity could be going in multiple directions though so that could be kind of distracting figure out the nice balance between like um pursuing your multiple desires at once and like just being utterly distracted i think of like delightful exchanges of all kinds so that could be like uh merchant stuff trade business or conversation and all kinds of drama like any type of interpersonal excitement i think i like funny notes on wine pairings like saying it has a top note of um dust sprinkled on top of a light bulb with bottom notes of slightly moldy bread as funny as i can think of okay so think of that but funnier VENUS than GEMINI talking about embodied pleasures in a clever way it's good to take advantage of communication as an art now is the time for all your hot and nerdy delights on June 27th the SUN sextiles SATURN retrograde so get some done it's like the perfect blend of the gas and the breaks everything's working right you have the energy and you have the discipline or there's an opportunity for that so if you're missing one [Music] the planets want to stoke the energy that you're missing possibly um it's not a time to do stuff for instant gratification but this aspect favors endurance follow through Maybe [Music] since the MOON is waning it's time to finish that metallurgy project you've been working on or go to a metal show or it's good for just energy and attention to detail and if you meet resistance [Music] if you meet resistance around this time it's likely you'll be able to meet that with a constructive response or [Music] if i'm telling you that now the planets favor you responding constructively okay live i'm telling you i just got deja vu i don't know what that's about on June 28th on June 28th NEPTUNE station's retrograde it's kind of not that big a deal but it might present an intensification of NEPTUNE's themes back when in the winter back when in the winter back when NEPTUNE station direct i was watching this crazy youtube video on atlantis and i was convinced that i understood where atlantis was and also but now i'm like not so sure that that's the truth but it really felt like the truth at the time and i was like certain um and also there was a giant fog bank outside my house like i couldn't see um like a foot in front of my balcony it was just all fog anyway stuff like that you might get weird messages from the world also around the time that NEPTUNE was stationing direct back in the winter i was visiting the ocean a lot and stuff would wash up and it and they were like weird messages from the ocean it was kind of creepy but um inspiring and interesting but as NEPTUNE stations retrograde Maybe your sense of animism your sense of how the living universe communicates with you might be intensified and then pull back like a low tide like a big wave crashing onto the shore and then the tide pulling back NEPTUNE retrograde again with NEPTUNE i always point out the quote about where the mystic swims the madman drowns it could be either or your proficiency in navigating the realms of what's real and what's not and the boundary in between those things pertains to how well you'll work with NEPTUNE also on the 28th the SUN squares JUPITER and it's the opening square with JUPITER while the MOON is waning so in regards to winning what JUPITER is trying to do in ARIES how can you there's going to be some like um connection between your will and your ability to uh bring carry forth your will in a way that feels successful there will be some connection between like your identification with your will and your ability to make it successful it could be good or bad like the bad version could be like being wasteful or being smug [Music] but the SUN and CANCER squaring JUPITER in ARIES the themes will be like what you can nurture for greater independence what ties need to be cut for so you can move forward in this process uh i think of like pruning with trees it seems counterintuitive to like cut back so that things can grow it always feels sad to like pinch off buds if you're growing flowers or cut off branches but it helps the tree to grow stronger and these are like physical earth metaphors but think of that but for your spirit i'll talk about the dark MOON and CANCER next time but the the MOON is waning down this whole time um throughout all the aspects i've talked about in this video and the full MOON in CANCER was on January 17 2022 so thinking about like what sort of energy you have been expended like what cup have you been sipping from this whole time since mid-January soon that cup will be empty and you'll get to decide like what to start filling it with again in the part of your chart the house that coincides with CANCER so what energy has been expended in that area of life since January and what do you want to fill that cup with now how do you want or like the cup always fills up with whatever energy like coincides with like the house that coincides with CANCER but what do you want to spend that like you're going to build up that energy until the full MOON in CANCER in the winter um what kind of energy do you want to fill that cup with so you can expend it what do you want to spend it on next it's a six month process of filling in emptying or like a year-long process of filling and emptying that like culminates each six months also on so i'll talk more about the full MOON in CANCER i'll talk more about the full MOON in CANCER next time also VENUS sextiles JUPITER next time that's like a but i'll talk about those next time