00:00 A postmortem on VENUS SATURN cycle themes.
00:42 June 28: DARK MOON in CANCER
03:52 A note on aspects and timing
04:08 June 28, 2022: VENUS sextile JUPITER
06:48 July 01, 2022: MARS square PLUTO
09:22 July 02, 2022: MERCURY square NEPTUNE
13:01 July 05, 2022: MARS enters TAURUS
15:40 MARS conjoins URANUS and NORTH NODE July 30 - Aug 1, 2022
15:49 MARS transit of GEMINI Aug 20, 2022 - March 25, 2023
16:08 July 05, 2022: MERCURY enters CANCER
17:46 July 05, 2022: MERCURY sextile MARS
21:15 WRAP
VENUS square SATURN even though both planets are dignified that can still feel horrible so take care of yourselves and if you can't forgive yourself then no healing can begin if VENUS is women VENUS and the MOON can signify feminine archetypes VENUS squaring SATURN in AQUARIUS the institutions that seems very appropriate for some recent harrowing legislation the dark MOON in CANCER is June 28th robin wall kimmerer who wrote the book um braiding sweetgrass says all flourishing is mutual and it follows that this would also apply to dearths and deprivations we are all connected um how do we take care of ourselves so that we can give to others this is like from the third video in my course how to read your own chart which is available by subscribing to my newsletter um in the third video i say things mean what they mean in astrology because of what they are so the SUN is what it is in the sky it's a big ball of fire what you see is what you get with the SUN it projects an image of itself and it's pretty straightforward i mean the SUN has mysteries of course but the MOON is a rock covered in reflective sand that reflects the light of the SUN so it embodies the SUN's light it's a vehicle for the SUN's light the sign of CANCER pertains to nurturing what we give a body to whether that's a relationship or a work of art or a physical body it also pertains to relationships and emotional bonds necessary for nurturing a body whether that's a physical body or some sort of creative work or home and then i like to work with dark MOONs and full MOONs in six months cycles so the full MOON in CANCER in January this past January of 2022 those energies have now wound down and you can start again for it to reach a peak um during the full MOON in CANCER CAPRICORN season of 2020 to 2023 so six month cycles with dark MOONs and full MOONs i mean dark MOONs and full MOONs also like you can work with the lunar cycle so whatever you intend to build or nurture during this dark MOON can also reach a mini culmination during the next full MOON but we take care of ourselves so we can give to others so be sure to secure your own mask before assisting others when i'm talking about aspects in these videos this is when they go exact so any time before that they're applying and the situation is culminating until the exact aspect and then they are separating the the situation is resolving so in June 28th VENUS sextile JUPITER goes exact um this made me think of like air and fire it's VENUS in GEMINI sextile JUPITER and ARIES so MERCURY ruled VENUS having an opportunity to connect with MARS world JUPITER so whatever crusade MARS rule JUPITER is entrenched in MERCURY ruled VENUS pleasantries artistic connections have an opportunity to somehow connect with whatever tough love your sense of faith and optimism has been undergoing since early May this could be a chatty and invigorating moment or an opportunity for one the triumphant turmoil that JUPITER is undergoing can somehow be of benefit whatever chatty warm receptions VENUS is conducting during its transit of GEMINI i think of fire stuff with air like blowtorch i think of blowtorch stuff when i get air and fire signs especially with ARIES but with this it's like it's a sextile it's cute Maybe VENUS uses a little of JUPITER's fire to run a mini kitchen blowtorch across a creme brulee that is shared or the pleasures and curiosities that VENUS is hosting in GEMINI Maybe those take up the banner of whatever crusade JUPITER is entrenched in whatever like hopeful triumphant blaze of glory JUPITER is going through in ARIES so whatever part of your chart ARIES coincides with might receive some help from intellectual stimulation charm pleasantries games or Maybe some interpersonal drama comes in there's an opportunity for that sextiles are it's a sextile is a easy flowing aspect but it doesn't always have to be good so there's always a chance that like some sort of drama can interfere with what JUPITER is doing but for the most part it's benefic's connecting in a cute way so it could be beneficial to the murderous tough love that JUPITER is currently undergoing this is a nice aspect to be happening during the dark MOON um Maybe you can get a sense of hope that you can carry you through the next lunation on July 1st MARS squares PLUTO this is a less fun aspect i just think subterranean levels of frustration so perhaps being blocked and you don't even know how or by someone in a position of power Maybe you're being blocked by someone you don't know is in a position of power or someone um or Maybe you're blocked by a large power structure things are somehow frustrated and it's also an opportunity to get a tremendous amount of work done the square with PLUTO you could turn that into a productive grind potentially just don't hurt yourself it's that kind of like pushing you hard especially with JUPITER involved JUPITER works for MARS so if you work with this aspect intentionally especially leading up to July 1st you could potentially get a lot done a tremendous amount of work done after um you know having a little rest during the dark MOON then just hitting the ground running and that being like setting the tone for for what can grow over the next lunation or over the next six months and this is PLUTO at the end of CAPRICORN like PLUTO in the throne room corrupt lord of the underworld ruling everything squaring MARS in the third face of ARIES MARS on the third face of ARIES seems very nasty the contentiousness of MARS at the end of ARIES squaring PLUTO at the end of CAPRICORN seems like things could get ugly so if you have something productive to point that to look at the parts of your chart that coincide with the sign of CAPRICORN and the sign of ARIES find a way to work what hard work do you need to do to reconcile those two parts of your life what not fun stuff can you do on July 2nd MERCURY squares NEPTUNE this is kind of a rough week um if you haven't already had a rough week so MERCURY squaring NEPTUNE it's a rough time for our intellect for decision making if you need to like do something that requires attention to detail or clear rational decision making or connecting thoughts details and ideas if you are putting together some ikea furniture or [Music] debugging manually debugging some code this is not a time for that if you can avoid doing stuff like that during this time it's probably a good idea our intellect our engagement with skill our way finding those things are experiencing a difficult conflicting like my way or the highway connection with our sense of reality what's real and what's not and our our sense of acceptance of whether things are real or not like all of reality being an illusion but also all of reality being real and us having to conduct ourselves through a concrete reality i'm confused even trying to explain it and NEPTUNE recently stationed retrograde so NEPTUNE themes could still be somewhat intense the fabric of reality the illusory quality of absolutely everything which in some ways can result in magic and in some ways can result in treachery you didn't know that you were conducting those things blend together and our intellect and engagement with skill have a problem navigating this during this time in particular which is July 2nd MERCURY has technically been squaring NEPTUNE by signs since July 13th so all of this applies beginning at that time like all of this began to ramp up around July 13th so confusion and lack of clarity it's like the fog machine is cranked up interfering with our ability to drive ourselves through life so take care and observe and avoid fast decisions if possible if you haven't already been faced with a situation such as that so if you can just allow the time to pass and watch the visuals change if it is too late what else can you observe MERCURY in GEMINI prefers clarity is a maker of clarity but as the late mitch hedberg said of bigfoot bigfoot is naturally blurry MARS enters TAURUS this is very interesting because the last time MARS entered TAURUS there was some very obvious conflict um going on there and and this ingress occurs on a date which is significant very significant to the type of conflict that occurred on January 6th MARS connects with our warrior spirit and our approach to offensive defense MARS is our drive to make decisions the word decide comes from a root that means to cut decide means to cut off MARS wants to change the terms and conditions MARS does not like things as they are MARS sets out to change the situation or MARS sets out to defend against others trying to change the situation MARS either wants to change things or uphold the existing paradigm so these types of functions offense and defense drive to like do the work to finish the work to decide they function less optimally when MARS transits the sign of TAURUS so when MARS is in detriment as it is in TAURUS MARS is our use of force whether that's for offense or defense and in TAURUS the use of force is somehow not appropriate as we can see by the example i gave or it's frustrated somehow MARS wants to go fast and get the done but TAURUS is a slow sign so MARS and TAURUS frustration is definitely a thing wanting to go fast but needing to be slow and methodical or wanting to be slow and methodical but other people need you to go fast like it's required that you go fast even if you want to go slow and steady martha TAURUS always makes me think of migraines like you want to do stuff carry on with your life but you can't because you're like in pain because something's going on with your body MARS will be in TAURUS until August 20th when it transits into GEMINI and then MARS will be in GEMINI for the rest of the year so this will be the last taste of MARS even though it's MARS in detriment MARS in a sign other than GEMINI for several months MARS also conjoins URANUS in the north node later on during its transit of TAURUS so that seems very bombastic something snaps which leads us into six months of MARS in GEMINI definitely things surrounding communication cyber lockdowns or digital ids more more like cyber security stuff communication wars arguments arguments anyway MERCURY in the water science is considered mute so this might be show don't tell or we're navigating by feel [Music] learning to use our intuition which is sometimes can be difficult if you're out of practice but also with MERCURY in CANCER that can be an opportunity to digest everything that happened was learned was done was made whilst MERCURY transited GEMINI what happened during that time now there's more of an opportunity to digest that stuff MERCURY is quick and changes things and adds new information and adds new analysis and especially decisions that were made at the end of GEMINI everything could be digested during this time MERCURY in CANCER is MERCURY ruled by the MOON so speaking to our emotional attunement MERCURY taking care listening being there to assist with what whatever the MOON wants as a caretaker how can communication wayfinding travel pertain to caretaking is that taking kids to soccer or being there for someone just to talk to them and it's a very swift tour MERCURY will leave the sign of CANCER on July 19th an immediate so an immediate sextile of MERCURY to MARS it's MERCURY working for the MOON connecting to MARS working for VENUS so this like Maybe calm listening more nonverbal MERCURY connecting with very frustrated MARS the first thing i think of with this is analysis paralysis or MERCURY might swoop in to help slow down MARS and there's an opportunity to use our capacity for figuring in a way that's connected to our emotions to swoop in and and Maybe tell our offense defense that it's gonna be okay it's okay to go slow it's okay to not get the thing done so quickly also there's um MERCURY connecting to MARS that's talking and MARS is in TAURUS so it could be Maybe pretty shitty talking there's also an opportunity to strategize again or Maybe there's an argument MARS is in fall in CANCER so MARS in TAURUS connecting to MERCURY it could be a like a pretty there could be a pretty terrible argument there's an opportunity here for like people getting hurt people being very frustrated and people getting hurt so with MERCURY in the superior position and MERCURY technically functioning a little better than MARS the bringing our intellect bringing to our intellect and our communication a sense of nurturing or a motherly quality you know wiping the sweat from MARS brow MERCURY being there to wipe the sweat from MARS's brow Maybe this could also be bad news MERCURY connecting to MARS in this way it's a sextile so it um again sextiles are an opportunity for something positive especially if you work with it intentionally so this aspect happened this minor aspect happened on April 8th when MERCURY was ARIES and MARS was an AQUARIUS and on May 23rd MERCURY in TAURUS at the end of TAURUS connected with MARS at the end of PISCES so there was like kind of a subterfuge and like a deep scenario planning secret scenario planning situation and now it's MERCURY in CANCER connecting with MARS and TAURUS so how did your planning work out um Maybe it didn't go well because now they're like reconnecting and they're not necessarily all that MARS is definitely not dignified there's an opportunity for communication to make things better if it comes from a place that speaks to our needs whether that's emotional or bodily and MERCURY is also coming off that square with NEPTUNE so there might still be some confusion so um you know Maybe MARS just needs someone to listen where it's like nonverbal communication listening nurturing next the first quarter MOON is on July 6th MERCURY squares JUPITER VENUS trine SATURN which ought to be better than that nasty square