May 30, 2022: DARK MOON in GEMINI
June 3, 2022: MERCURY stations DIRECT
June 4, 2022: SATURN stations RETROGRADE
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May 30th Monday we have a dark MOON in GEMINI and we're finally out of the eclipse influence for now for the next six months eclipses occur roughly every six months so we get to step away from that for now even though the changes that have been wrought by that pair of eclipses are continuing to move forward it's a GEMINI MOON so find something to do with your hands or not or try to stay still but a lot of things that we should do are easier said than done which is interesting for a MERCURY ruled MOON things that are easily said more easily said i once knew someone who dived into meditation really quickly and they were like i can't do it it brought up too much that i can't deal with and that makes me think of this GEMINI MOON where we're not necessarily asked to deal with things that we'd rather not deal with emotionally but this could be a time to do that write down make a list set a timer for five minutes or eight minutes this astrologer that i learned from in the beginning she teaches a different style of astrology than i do now but i like her positivity and her angle on things her name's heidi riz robbins i once took a workshop with her and she said you can write yourself out of darkness in eight minutes and i use that advice when i'm in a place that doesn't feel good i write and i set a timer for eight minutes or 20 minutes and it works so that's something you could do with this MOON anyway um so said it but the thing i was going to suggest was set a timer for eight minutes or 20 minutes or five minutes or three minutes three minutes is good when you want to like do something but you don't really want to do it for very long um set a timer and write down the rawest keywords you can think of that describe your parts of your emotional state that you'd rather not deal with write them down this is why i suggested eight minutes because like go dark here anyway so write down like the most down and dirtiest keywords for emotional stuff you don't want to deal with and then find something it's probably online somewhere i mean there's this game called mad lips i don't know it's an old game you would buy like a notepad and it had these stories in it but it had blank words so first there's a page where you would write down a bunch of random words like silly words and then in sequence in the sequence you wrote them down you would plug them into this like um writing prompt or story or something so i'm suggesting that you choose the scARIESt words words about how you feel that you'd rather not admit to anyone and then plug it into a mad libs make it funny that's a way to like deal with your emotional stuff but in the GEMINI way keep it light keep it cute make it funny i also think of emotional intelligence which is like a thing that's going to be measured in the PLUTO and AQUARIUS era anyway you can meditate sit quietly and see what information comes in while the MOON is still waning so before 4 30 a.m pacific time sit quietly and let stuff flow out let it just go away release stuff when the MOON is waxing so after 4 30 a.m pacific sit quietly and see what information comes in Maybe it's information about what technology you need Maybe it's information just raw information that you need that's just like knocking around in your brain um but you couldn't access it because of all the noise because you're scrolling too much or whatever or excuse me Maybe um murky is still retrograde i'm recording this that's my excuse i didn't do vocal warm-ups normally i do that before i record or sit quietly and see what comes in in regards to what was it technology you need stuff about your emotional state information that you actually need anyway just see what comes in Maybe Maybe you get an answer to something ps have you ever i think i've suggested this before you could do this this is a good darkMOON slash MERCURY retrograde thing before you go to bed ask your dream a question you will get an answer and if anything it helps you to parse your own dreams anyway lots of fun activities for the GEMINI the dark MOON and GEMINI something you could also do is just have some have a quiet night play a game with somebody um try to abstain from smoking cigarettes i find like cigarettes a very GEMINI especially GEMINI MOON like so be wary of things to do with your hands to make you feel comfortable on this GEMINI lunation because it's a thing to like comfort you and make you feel good but it involves doing something with your hands and normally socializing when i was smoking a lot of cigarettes i was standing outside with one of my teachers who was smoking as well and she was like we never just stand outside and breathe like a part of the appeal of the cigarette smoking is like there's social stuff you're doing stuff with your hands and you're also just standing outside and breathing and we never do that without the excuse of cigarettes also with this GEMINI muni think of the term concatenation which is like putting one thing after another like making a string of things so that's kind of like the mad libs exercise you're concatenating words and then you're getting a meaning so you're putting one word after another and then you're interpreting it intellectually but if you use really raw words then you could get an emotion an emotional response from yourself so all of these exercises we're communicating with ourselves which is also very GEMINI let the mortal human flawed part of you communicate with the immortal eternal part of you this illumination made me think of the deal with it meme where SUNglasses go over a face accept that i mean it literally confront your emotions deal with them you're not gonna want to but if you make it into a cute game also very near this MERCURY lunation MERCURY stations direct so whatever has felt stuck over the past few weeks from May 9th through now or even from April 25th through now can begin to move forward there's a caveat because SATURN is stationing retrograde the next day so it's like yes you can begin to move forward but you'll move through some very heavy air first you will go right into the middle of the thing basically MERCURY retrograde will spit you out into the middle of a process but specifically about MERCURY stationing direct last time i talked about the thing from the celestine prophecy about like not allowing like we all have fear thoughts and we all worry about stuff going wrong and things are going to go wrong the SOUTH NODE in SCORPIO and the north node in TAURUS that's a very primordial axis and fear is a very primordial emotion response people say it comes from your reptile brain your amygdala that's somewhere on the SCORPIO TAURUS axis for sure the antitude or an antidote to fear is to be prepared and with MERCURY stationing direct in the at the end of TAURUS especially on the fixed star algol which represents in the western tradition the severed head of medusa but basically all cultures that have had an astrological tradition associate that star with something super gnarly which is an understatement i'm just using like light cute surfer language to talk about something really serious in honor of the GEMINI MOON anyway MERCURY is stationing direct on algol and squaring SATURN which is stationing retrograde so what can you do to be prepared one thing you could do is scenario planning figuring out what could go wrong and what you would do in those situations another thing is hone your intuition i talked about this last time where there's an anecdote in the celestine prophecy which is a good book um it's like a spiritual myth anyway it talks about how like we have a lot of fear responses that we don't need we have a lot of like repetitive stress injuries in in regards to our intuition and how we use fear your fear is obviously helpful there's a guy who wrote a book on keeping yourself safe i forget his name right now but the name of his book is the gift of fear it can be a gift but it can also be it could be a blessing and a curse especially especially in this culture where there's kind of like too much to be afraid of so that anecdote was about learning to develop your fear intuition your intuition in general so anytime you get a fair thought willfully replace it with something good with some positive imagine by imagining some positive thing instead and when over time when you get good at that you will find that you don't have so many fear thoughts i'm working on this it's very difficult and then when you get a fear thought you can take it seriously so you'll learn how your fear works by first banishing your fear MERCURY stationing direct in the last part of TAURUS scenario plan plan for material things but also get good at understanding um the difference between listening to your intuition in regards to fear and just hand-wringing useless hand-wringing that what that ends up doing is like bringing down your emotional state in a way that like it like bring i'm gonna use very woo language for this it brings down your vibe and it brings down the odds that you'll pull through URANUS is in a fixed sign and we have MERCURY stationing there and i keep thinking of that as like it's like this now it's like this now like there's an announcement this is how it is now it's like this but it's URANUS in a fixed sign so then it changes again and MERCURY's stationing in effect sign with URANUS is very much like that so um you know whatever on May 9th was like it's like this now um Maybe now there's a different announcement or even things that were announced late night April 25th slash April 26 through now or through um May 9th those things might change when a planet stations retrograde or direct in astrology it's referred to as fascists it's like making an appearance like making an announcement so that's what MERCURY is doing on the third and you can begin to move forward how to be prepared antidotes for fear for disaster scenarios because there are plenty in this world potential ones in this world right now be prepared plan learn to use your intuition to distinguish youthful fear from useless fear and the other thing would be be present for the changes and that ties into learning how to use your intuition all these things are more easily said than done anyway so MERCURY stationing direct you can now use your bag of tricks again more effectively the normal tricks not like the weird dream time murky retrograde tricks which are like accidentally depends like something happens by accident that's actually like a hole in one that's a very MERCURY retrograde thing now you can like actually aim and hit the mark so then on June 4th SATURN stations retrograde and outer planets i mean solders SATURN is the um furthest out planet we can see with a naked eye except sometimes you can see URANUS which is the next planet out under very specific conditions but it's very iranian of it that you can secretly see it anyway June 4th SATURN stations retrograde outer planets the further out the slower moving planets stationing retrograde are more like they're like a tide it happens every year um SATURN stationing retrograde isn't like MERCURY or VENUS or even MARS stationing retrograde where it functions like differently like MERCURY and VENUS have almost an opposite function when they're retrograde they're more rebellious SATURN natural gate is more just like kind of hung up on things um you know i mentioned earlier MERCURY retrograde you can begin to move forward but it's squaring SATURN stationing retrograde so you're being spit out into the middle of a process so whatever you're trying to build or make real your patients will be tested it could also be that like whatever power structures might be trying to keep you from doing the thing that was hung up while mercurial is retrograde are now like rolling back and Maybe you have a little more space but SATURN stationing retrograde squaring MERCURY stationing direct there's definitely like what what are you trying to build and make real what what changes are you enacting that are a part of like the larger world changes because those are happening those are gonna keep moving forward there's a thing i quote a lot it is from the astrologer freedom cole who practices jyotish the hindu tradition of astrology and he said that time is moving forward and it's not moving any other way and in that way time is a divinity that is manifesting reality so we're not going back to the way things were there are major changes occurring in the world and then there are major changes occurring in your life they will be more or less prominent depending on your chart and what you're you're in but whatever you're trying to build or make real this is like okay are you do are you doing it or are you not doing it if you're moving forward with it you have to take responsibility for all the things that are difficult that will try your patience that will ask you to be disciplined that go along with that and if you choose not to take it on then you'll deal with you know whatever you could have earned by doing it you won't get that you'll get whatever if you fork that timeline um you know whatever responsibilities and think whatever you need to take responsibility for if you don't do the thing anyway what are you trying to build what are you trying to make real what are you trying to stop from being made real and then are there parts of the structure that you can keep this part of AQUARIUS is like very prison break um but AQUARIUS can just as easily build a new prison around itself so like wants to liberate itself from whatever um [Music] you know you can just as easily create a new thing that you'll eventually want to be liberated from at some point so are there parts of the structure that you can keep that can keep you safe and whatever you choose to take on or not to build whatever like you know whether it's like physical stuff in your life or new philosophical constructs we're being asked to really make sure we review them so that they're in line with what we believe in or what we believe is right i think um there's a line in the the critically acclaimed film frozen two yes i watched that but it was and it's like from all over but i like i don't mind referencing frozen two for SATURN and AQUARIUS it was do you know they were in the middle of a problem and [Music] they didn't know what to do and then someone was like do the next right thing so you can keep doing that and that will get you far sometimes especially like there's been all this MERCURY stuff and sometimes with MERCURY retrograde the more you try to figure something out the deeper into the cascade of failures you will go so now that MERCURY is direct SATURN is retrograde there are going to be challenges do the next right thing and then SATURN brings up the idea of grit like moving through challenges accessing your resolve do you really want to do this you'll be challenged someone once told me that if you're trying to do something good or interesting or um really awesome if you're trying to do great work then you're going to meet resistance and then the first quarter MOON is on June 7th