Give each other a break. It’s a weird time ♥️
the MOON is waxing however it is eclipse season by eclipse season in astrology we mean the time in between eclipses also if you want to be really safe you can consider eclipse season the entire time that the SUN is in the sign in which it will be eclipsed so the entire time the SUN is in TAURUS which would be April 19th through May 20th and a more intense version of eclipse season is in between the two eclipses that occur each six months sometimes there are three but normally there are two and right now that would be April 30th through May 15th eclipse season there's a solar eclipse in TAURUS April 30th and a lunar eclipse in SCORPIO May 13th so the MOON is waxing but first of all if you do any sort of lunar magic that is considered contraindicated for eclipse seasons lots of people consider eclipses like triple full MOONs and triple dark MOONs but for the most part it's not a good idea to do any ritual activations that have anything to do with abundance around eclipses but i feel like that's a whole separate video the solar eclipse on April 30th is in TAURUS the eclipse accesses in TAURUS and SCORPIO the NORTH NODE of the eclipse axis is in TAURUS and the SOUTH NODE is in SCORPIOs whatever part of your chart TAURUS and SCORPIO is you'll have the more button in TAURUS energy and attention and material manifestation wanting to happen in the TAURUS part of your chart embodiment control and in the SCORPIO part of your chart it's more like the last button so there's a letting go a releasing which is very in line with the significations of SCORPIO anyway um [Music] so something to let go of in the SCORPIO part of your chart the energy wants to go to the TAURUS part of your chart but so for the most part endeavor's in the TAURUS part of your chart might tend to go well if a bit unwieldy because it's eclipsed season and you also have URANUS and TAURUS um so expect the unexpected it keeps saying that however you want to um look at it like the TAURUS part of your chart a little bit skeptically make sure that that's what you really want because sometimes just energy and material manifestation goes towards the NORTH NODE and it can kind of run out of control like you're taking some sort of weird drugs to increase performance like performance-enhancing drugs like be careful um be careful with your body or you could get in trouble or whatever um and then the SOUTH NODE if you're not ready to let go of something if you're resisting letting go of something the SOUTH NODE could have the effect during eclipses of depriving you of um you know taking away in a sort of a ruthless way um this will be especially prominent if you're in a MOON-ruled year or a SUN-rolled year it's eclipse season so there's potential for it to be all entangled with unexpected stuff that feels contrary to the normal flow of life the eclipse axis it's an axis most of the planets or sorry all of the planets and bodies in the data visualization of an astrological chart turn they turn counterclockwise so like this from where you're looking and the nodes go the opposite they're the only bodies that go the opposite direction they're not even bodies they're shadow bodies they're just calculated points they don't physically exist things mean what they mean in astrology because of what they are so things that happen during eclipses can have a feeling of being against the regular flow of life also they tend to bring up things that have been brewing for a long time you know under the surface and they tend to like show themselves during eclipses or the time in between eclipses and the whole thing is a process the whole time of the NORTH NODE and SOUTH NODE in TAURUS and SCORPIO respectively amounts to an approximately year and a half process where you're investing in the TAURUS part of your chart and you're releasing in the SCORPIO part of your chart and the eclipses are the times when you can kind of see what that's about what that's about will tend to come to the surface and that will be more or less prominent depending on the nodes in your chart and TAURUS and SCORPIO in your chart and what year you are in what annual profession you're in that would make the planets involved with these eclipses um more or less prominent in your lived experience anyway the solar eclipse in TAURUS normally a time when you would literally plant seeds for things you want to go well over time especially regarding materiality physical things or material resources however the eclipse light is weird emotions are intense there's potential to because of like temporary mental and physical states initiate things that end up being very permanent i like to treat the eclipses as a temple made of time especially the time in between eclipses where mostly i acknowledge that my emotions are going to be heightened most likely and the emotions of others it's a time where i tread lightly with myself and with others and then actual actions to do during eclipses meditation is a good one just contemplation however you do that you could do that in so many different ways you know other than just sitting quietly but i like to do that and cleaning is really good especially with a lunar eclipse on the SOUTH NODE like the one that's coming up on May 15th cleaning getting rid of stuff just releasing things from your life that no longer serve you with the solar eclipse and TAURUS you're going to be identifying more intensely with whatever part of your chart pertains to the sign of TAURUS and this eclipse is ruled by VENUS VENUS rules the sign of TAURUS and it's kind of if like we're gonna have an eclipse it's sort of the best case scenario because VENUS is in PISCES where she's exalted i'm using a female pronoun for VENUS because that feels good to me right now but in jyotish VENUS is shukra and he's like a glamorous man anyway VENUS is in PISCES right now where she is exalted and VENUS is conjunct JUPITER in PISCES JUPITER rules the sign of PISCES so JUPITER the greater benefit and JUPITER is very dignified so JUPITER stuff functions well in addition this VENUS JUPITER conjunction occurs on the degree of VENUS's maximum exaltation it's like on the one hand the VENUS JUPITER conjunction and whatever's happening in TAURUS like what happens to the planet happens to the house so that's good for TAURUS and LIBRA but it's eclipse season with URANUS co-present so that makes it a little potentially chaotic it makes the VENUS JUPITER conjunction less good on the other hand um if we're gonna have an eclipse it might as well be ruled by um VENUS conjoining JUPITER at VENUS's degree of exaltation um so it's like the best case scenario or the the for an eclipse or like the least worst for VENUS conjoining JUPITER with like you know problems i don't know if i said that right anyway um hopefully you get the point if you have questions you can leave comment the VENUS JUPITER stuff could be subject to some sort of interruption or its VENUS conjunct JUPITER but the light if we consider astrology the study of light is like a black light it's like you can see things that you normally can't see in regular daylight and you can't see you can't see things that you would normally see in regular daylight did i say that right hopefully it did also VENUS is sextiling PLUTO so there's an opportunity to connect with whatever you're going through in the winter um November through early March when VENUS was transiting CAPRICORN and when VENUS conjoined PLUTO December 11th December 24th and March 3rd there's some sort of like potentially beneficial connection with that and this week we have both benefits contacting PLUTO on the third we have JUPITER sextiling PLUTO that's interesting considering what was happening in the winter with those like November December January PLUTO contacts with VENUS VENUS enters ARIES May 2nd so that's very different VENUS has been very dignified since April 5th and on May 2nd VENUS will enter ARIES where she's not dignified again so we had problematic VENUS all winter and then we got like some really amazing VENUS time in April and when May starts May 2nd we have VENUS in her sign of detriment ARIES so it's VENUS in MARS sign which is like it's embattled it's temporary it's like get married and then get divorced and then marry someone else and then do that five times um you know VENUS in ARIES is like VENUS the planet of relating is in ARIES where it's like embattled and very like self-focused and wanting to prove the self and engaging in conflict in order to do that so when the planet that is about relation and beauty and physical bonds and embodied pleasures is an ARIES it's like loves war so it's kind of like it's complicated it's contradictory VENUS will be in ARIES until May 28th so then on May 3rd we have JUPITER sextile PLUTO so this week early in the week benefits contact PLUTO the fourth through the sixth we have the SUN conjoining URANUS on the fourth in between eclipses and um the SUN sextiling MARS so we have this like MARS SUN URANUS so like the self our identity leadership connecting with the warlord planet and connecting with unexpected earth-shaking instability or rebellion so there's like leadership war rebellion stuff the fourth through the sixth when i think about URANUS the way i've been thinking about URANUS and the fixed signs recently has been like there's a change but it's in a fixed sign so like the change is like um it's like this now and then there'll be like another change later where it's like it's like this now like this is how it's going to be for a while but then it changes again and it's like it's like this permanently but it's not permanent because URANUS isn't a fixed sign p.s the NORTH NODE in TAURUS especially with MERCURY there lost like during the waxing MOON i feel like with MERCURY um just like a little postmortem on the last lunation MERCURY conjoining the NORTH NODE i feel like it's like you ordered a single unit of something but you were delivered a truckload so this MARS URANUS SUN URANUS SUN MARS stuff with the NORTH NODE in TAURUS is connecting to that truckload of whatever all that is happening with the north node in between eclipses while the MOON is waxing um so MARS textile URANUS on the fourth SUN conjunct URANUS on the fourth SUN sextile MARS on the sixth is like all of that is like entangled with muchness and then the first quarter MOON is on the eighth we're in between eclipses so all this is happening and if you could just like um you know only you know what you need to do in your life but being observant being very present with what is happening cleaning having quiet time to metabolize potentially intense emotions the things that happen in between eclipses can end up being more significant than you might have thought which is why things like ritual magic are contraindicated during this time on the 9th like late at night MERCURY stations retrograde from April 30th to the time increased stations retrograde on the 9th when MERCURY is in shadow when MERCURY is transiting the degrees to which it will later retrograde back but it's not retrograde yet i consider that time for me depends on your relationship with MERCURY but for me that time is sometimes more glitchy than the actual MERCURY retrograde but also the first part of MERCURY retrograde before MERCURY conjoins the SUN which will be after the lunar eclipse in SCORPIO that time is more glitchy so we have eclipse season co-present URANUS with MERCURY retrograde it's just like things things might be glitchy and go wrong and emotions might be heightened so just know that you're not doing it wrong if like things go wrong and you get upset or somebody else does everybody give each other a break it's a weird time and so hang on sorry after that the SUN conjoins the north node on May 12th oh i forgot to say on the 10th of May JUPITER enters ARIES so that's a big shift we go from JUPITER being dignified in the gentle sign of PISCES where it's sort of like it's a yin sign it's like um a sanctuary style JUPITER now it's moving into the sign of ARIES so whatever part of your chart coincides with the sign of ARIES that's going to get a JUPITER boost because JUPITER like it does all right in ARIES it's not like in detriment or anything but it's JUPITER now works for MARS MARS is in PISCES so JUPITER's sign so that's nice they kind of like they can help each other out but JUPITER works for the war planet now so if there's something involving your drive or making a decision to move on something or to charge forth with your um i can't think of the word it's just like energy and drive and your bravery or courage um all that is boosted by JUPITER like JUPITER will help you do that but it's not the same like as JUPITER and PISCES where you can just chill and um you know it's kind of a calm enjoyable benefit time this is more like JUPITER helping with malefic energy so um JUPITER and ARIES JUPITER will be in ARIES until October and then it will go back into PISCES so that's changing the vibe for the rest of the year so yeah uh JUPITER changes signs in between eclipses during a MERCURY retrograde so that's interesting it's like not not the same like forward movement like stuff is going to want to be acted on but it's going to be reassessed and then the SUN conjoins the NORTH NODE on the 12th so maximum muchness for the SUN um maximum egotistical stuff for TAURUS natives or people in a SUN-rolled year or people the arisings people for whom the SUN is prominent so there could be a sort of like a superhero energy but one to watch out for because great downfalls due to hubris are just as likely and we're in between eclipses so it's a time to be careful and then the SUN squares SATURN on the 15th so there's something about like you know whatever happens with MARS the fourth through the sixth um with like embattledness and victoriousness is gonna like come into some conflict or it's going to be like restricted somehow when the SUN squares SATURN on the 15th which is the day of the lunar eclipse in SCORPIO and the part of SCORPIO that the eclipse happens late SCORPIO is about like disintegrating material stuff and like taking it back to like the original like base material so that you can turn it into something else so there's a like an energy of breaking down for this full MOON and afterwards you know it can give you like a sort of a rich soil to begin again later but for right now it's just about releasing and letting go lunar eclipses on the SOUTH NODE are not great they're kind of hard on the body and not great for like money and stuff and if there's things you're willing to let go of in the SCORPIO part of your chart um you can keep an eye on that that doesn't sound like very good advice hang on i feel like i'm more modeling um in between these eclipses yeah and also the the lunar eclipse occurs sextile the ruler of SCORPIO MARS so that's kind of interesting where you know your ability to connect with your warrior spirit to connect with your ability the lunar eclipse in SCORPIO then is squaring SATURN and it's also sextile MARS so there's an opportunity here to connect with your warrior spirit your impulse and capacity as richard harness would put it for courage bravery energy decisiveness actively letting go of something or actively releasing the results um could be beneficial during this time lunar eclipses are not great for material things for the body for money and resources so letting go of anything you might want from the SCORPIO part of your chart is beneficial the SOUTH NODE where this lunar eclipse takes place is not great for material concerns but it can be very good for spiritual matters so things like meditation or you know whatever you might do to deepen your connection with this spiritual whatever that means for you that might sound cliche to you but material the material is not all there is and the lunar eclipse in SCORPIO on May 15th is here to teach us that so that's why i treat this time in between eclipses as a temple where i get rid of stuff and um try to just meditate and be quiet in between whatever else i have to do it's like i observe the time in between eclipses as an austere holiday kind of but you don't have to do that you can do whatever you want and again it's also squaring SATURN so there's a theme of this eclipse is in contact in direct contact with the malefics malefics are called that because usually it's not a good time it doesn't mean they're evil it just means that you know things like restriction patience um having to be disciplined that SATURN stuff you know having to enforce or be subject to boundARIES more SATURN stuff or um you know having to cut ties which is a MARS thing or defend yourself stand up for yourself stand up for others fight for what you believe in the SATURN stuff will be necessary the SUN is squaring SATURN and there will be an opportunity to enact MARS stuff during this eclipse anything you let go of goes back into the soil to be turned into something like a substrate that you can grow in later if that makes sense and then on the 17th which is i'll be talking about next time but i think it's important to note here that so this is a MARS ruled lunar eclipse with that lunation configured in a sextile to MARS so an opportunity to do MARS stuff MARS is applying to NEPTUNE MARS can join the NEPTUNE on the 17th which i'll talk about next time but i'll also talk about it now a little bit i think it's significant that the eclipse is ruled by MARS configured to NEPTUNE there could be some confusion around what you're letting go of or it could just be something that turns out to be deeply spiritual or somehow connected to the fabric of reality in a way that kind of feels faded eclipses can bring events that feel like they were supposed to happen or they are faded or you know all of time converge to make this happen i mean that's every moment but also a lunar eclipse on the SOUTH NODE you can connect that to you know how the MOON waxes and wanes and this period May 30th through May 15th is a waxing MOON period so the things that happen they're things that are like beginning and carrying forth so the unexpected eclipse stuff that might happen is stuff that has longer term implications in an increased sort of way but a lunar eclipse on the SOUTH NODE is like extreme like the waning [Music] afterwards which will not be in between eclipses but it's the waning MOON after lunar eclipse is bound to be pretty extreme and again that extreme decrease can impart spiritual benefits but that's very easy to say when you're not going through it i've undergone some pretty rough lunar eclipse on the south no transits and they don't feel great so it's easy to say that you can get spiritual benefits from a hard time but i know that in the moment that might not be so helpful to hear but yeah a lunar eclipse on the SOUTH NODE matter is not all there is release the results in the SCORPIO part of your chart keep an eye on what you're trying to achieve in the TAURUS part of your chart and know that everything is subject to layers of chaos that they might not otherwise be if it weren't eclipse season