May 22, 2022: THIRD QUARTER MOON, MERCURY retrograde re-enters TAURUS, SUN sextile JUPITER
May 23, 2022: MERCURY retrograde sextile MARS, VENUS sextile SATURN
May 24, 2022: MARS enters ARIES
May 25, 2022: MERCURY trine PLUTO
May 26, 2022: VENUS square PLUTO
May 28, 2022: VENUS enters TAURUS, MARS conjunct JUPITER
so this is a big week there are a lot of shifts but the MOON is waning a lot of new things will be introduced but this is a time where like we're wrapping up the old and there's a lot of MARS stuff this week a lot of aspects of MARS and then MARS moves into ARIES which is much more harsh than has been in PISCES it's been very covert since the eclipse i've been thinking of this louise hay video that has got me through a lot in the past it's called don't scare yourself i'll link it in the um link thing it's called don't scare yourself louise hey um and i was thinking like how about i was saying this to myself how about you just live your life as if you cannot fail it's the third quarter MOON so we're winding down the MOON is losing light and it has the least amount of light in this quarter what can you let go of and that's a big theme for given that the lunar eclipse was the full MOON was a lunar eclipse on the SOUTH NODE in SCORPIO May 22nd MARS sextiles PLUTO and this is like an introduction to a lot of MARS over the coming days you can connect with MARS connecting with PLUTO to like you know some great potential or like an ability to accomplish accomplish a lot you can tap into your fearlessness with MARS sextile PLUTO it's an easy aspect so and it's not necessarily going to like flow automatically but if you know it's coming and there's something you need to get done that's a little bit gut-wrenching you know Maybe this is the time to do it empowering and cathartic and with the MOON waning and MARS and PISCES connecting to PLUTO in CAPRICORN it could be sort of like that it's like pretty subtle but there could be something of like you're compelled to do something PLUTO compels in a way that makes things not that apparent that that's happening so you could be like compelling others to act or make choices or believe things and you could be not totally aware that you're even compelling them to make that decision or the other way around there's definitely like a subterfuge signature with both MARS and PISCES and just PLUTO anywhere so MARS connecting to PLUTO there's like a sense of covert operations connecting to ways that you've been manipulated or had your actions curtailed there's a lot of that this week connections with PLUTO and like connecting with pathways that we have been PLUTOed or we have PLUTO'ed others we've been manipulated or others have manipulated us or the ways that past traumas have informed our decision-making or beliefs but i think with MARS connecting to PLUTO i think of there's a line in the it's a 90s drag queen movie called tu wong fu where the more experienced drag fiends are teaching the younger one how to rise within the ranks and they tell her to ignore adversity you could just like power through so May 22nd is a big day also on May 22nd MERCURY enters TAURUS again so the last time MERCURY was in the degrees of TAURUS that it's about to go through again was April 25th through 29th so things decided late night April 25th early April 26th through April 29th those could be subject to reassessment and also the MOON is squaring MERCURY retrogrades it might feel extra hung up or delayed or in need of reassessment MERCURY stations direct on June 3rd at the place that it was late night slash early morning April 25th April 26th and so MERCURY is in the last 10 degrees of TAURUS a lot there's a like signature of scenario planning planning for contingency making sure you have enough supplies making sure you have a backup plan working out all the things that could go wrong and what you might do in those situations if you use an agricultural metaphor like all the stuff you've grown you know there are so many possibilities when you're growing food like you could have a plague of locusts come and eat everything and then everything that you carefully tended um you can't even use so present preventing stuff like that from happening it's very like the third face of TAURUS and especially with MERCURY there you're like thinking about it and engaging with your skill around stuff like that the book the celestine prophecy which is like a 90s new age book that um was very hyped and then very derided because it was so hyped because it's actually a really good book there's a part where they're talking about how to use your intuition and one of the characters is like but what if what about all the fear thoughts that i have because i definitely am very good at thinking of the worst case scenario all the time to like a point where it could become like debilitating so i found this conversation in this book helpful one character was like so what happens to all the fear thoughts i have and they were like so for the first while when you learn to use your intuition every time you have a fear thought will a positive thought into existence after a while your fear thoughts will subside then when you have one you can take it seriously after like a long while of working up the muscle of every time you're afraid of something or you think of like some doomsday scenario will in a positive scenario in its place when you get good at that the overdeveloped amygdala reptile brain will like you know stop overreacting then you know if you have a fear of thought if you like say you have like a weird imaginative thing pop into your head of like you get into an accident in a truck and then somebody offers you a ride in a truck don't take the ride also on May 22nd so much on May 22nd the SUN sextiles JUPITER so this could help with what i was speaking about with MERCURY moving back into TAURUS i mean the SUN is in GEMINI connecting with JUPITER and ARIES so like JUPITER like ARIES there's like a very independent streak with ARIES and JUPITER enables that in a positive way and the SUN is in GEMINI so it's like all of our multiple personalities can have sovereignty JUPITER is a particularly helpful in this early part of ARIES because it's in the bounds of JUPITER much more helpful than when it moves out of the bounds of JUPITER June 16th but um the SUN sextile JUPITER is a very uplifting and empowering since it's JUPITER in a MARS world sign signature also with the SUN sextile JUPITER that might feel particularly nice because the SUN has been in TAURUS for so long so the SUN is in very early GEMINI the SUN enter GEMINI May 20th late in the day and this is just May 22nd so for a vibe shift you know there were eclipses so it could be it could feel like particularly nice to have the SUN off of all that for a minute in GEMINI connecting to JUPITER but also it's the SUN in GEMINI and MERCURY's retrograde excuse me in TAURUS so glitchy like things could be real assessed but it might feel good temporarily so on May 23rd MERCURY sextiles MARS and it's like um you know drawing out like strategizing on a whiteboard in the locker room or the map in the throne room the like giant miniature of the entire kingdom like planning your moves before you actually enter the theater of battle when MARS enters ARIES so you're kind of like getting prepared for the next six weeks but MERCURY is retrograde so things will be reassessed no matter how good your plans are things are gonna get weird and you're gonna get curveballs and sometimes unexpected stuff is gonna happen not that it necessarily will but with MERCURY retrograde sextiling MARS direct you know you can plan as much as you want but MARS and ARIES is like the game face lives in the moment is not necessarily subject to all the planning so it might even be like you make those plans and then like you don't even want to do them the day of battle arrives so also on the 23rd VENUS sextiles SATURN i just think enjoy responsibly so there's an opportunity for like some type of enjoyment or beauty or you know the creation of concrete beauty or love under difficult circumstances and also sacrifices that you have to make for like the good of the collective could inhibit your pleasure i mean it's a sextile so like it might enhance it somehow it might like make it more fulfilling over time or some sort of like situation regarding loyalty could pay off some sort of situation involving loyalty could either won't necessarily pay off right now or some some sort of like long-term situation does pay off now like some sort of situation you have a history with somehow comes to fruition right now but VENUS in ARIES is like magnetism and like the heat of the moment and MARS and AQUARIUS is very like you know wants to think about structures and what best for the greater good they're interesting they don't necessarily like not go together because there's something about like the magnetism and enthusiasm and drive of VENUS even though she's in detriment in ARIES connecting with like what SATURN wants to do in regards to making new rules or um dividing people also oh uh back to MARS connecting or MERCURY connecting with MARS that could be like bad news or talking but back to VENUS sextile SATURN it's also could be a good time to like get organized getting organized VENUS sextile SATURN so then on May 24th MARS enters ARIES buckle in MARS has been in PISCES for a long time so we're kind of used to this like undercurrent MARS which could even be frustrating because it's like your actions aren't like direct action kind of like ends up doing something else than what you wanted it to do and then like indirect you know you get get where you need to go by indirect action but MARS and ARIES is like okay now we will forge our own way through all of reality like physically altering the landscape and that's going to be effective and confronting things in people that get in our way and it's not so much of like MARS and PISCES sextile um PLUTO and CAPRICORN back on May 22nd where it's like ignore adversity just power through this is like get in adversity's face for the next six weeks that's what it's gonna be like also on May 24th so we have the MOON conjoining NEPTUNE and then conjoining MARS in PISCES on May 24th you know a last goodbye to this like all this NEPTUNE and PISCES stuff the MOON is like shining a light on that and so the MOON conjoins MARS and PISCES and then MARS moves into ARIES and then the MOON conjoins JUPITER in ARIES so we get like a highlight of like you're supported in your campaign whatever it is but here with MARS and ARIES for the next six weeks we're rolling up our sleeves i think of like elbow grease enjoy responsibly i'm kidding that's like not like the key words for that but i was thinking like MARS and ARIES whatever's in your way you're gonna blast through it and and you might need to be careful ARIES can be rather inconsiderate in getting its way and that's a good quality sometimes like we need that um some people struggle with it it's a much more harsh MARS than we've been dealing with for the past six weeks with MARS and PISCES with all the benefits with MARS and areas you might find that conditions are more hostile or you're just more effective at confronting the hostility head-on there will be hostility on May 25th the next day MERCURY trines PLUTO so we have another connection with PLUTO that like covert power structures covert deeply rot power structures crumbling the king is dead there's something on nikolai machiavelli's tomb i'm paraphrasing when you're trying to introduce a whole new situation or like trying to introduce a whole new base reality that is very difficult and dangerous this is MERCURY retrograde connecting to PLUTO so knowledge is power but also perhaps you discover some irrational loophole or perhaps you have bad information and it connects like MERCURY trining PLUTO it's a trine and PLUTO's in the superior position so Maybe there's like Maybe you're being manipulated Maybe you've got that bad information it's a trend so you know what's happening is like more likely to be useful but that's one way that it could be not not useful since MERCURY is retrograde there's also like persuasion that borders on corruption with MERCURY retrograde trining PLUTO again it's a trine so it could be helpful in the hobbit smaug the dragon is missing one scale and somebody knows about that and they shoot an arrow into that one tiny scale that is missing and that's how they take down the dragon so you could also you know Maybe you have a dream of like which scale is missing that would be like MERCURY retrograde instructions and dreams being able to like having the skill to interpret your dreams is more of a MERCURY retrograde thing and that requires a different way of thinking this is like dream information Maybe the dream information comes from something dredged up from your deep subconscious that is about some way that you were manipulated on May 26th VENUS squares PLUTO so we're carrying this theme again except it's VENUS connecting to it and it's a square so they're butting heads and it's not necessarily all that productive and it's like a busy day for the MOON too where the MOON conjoins VENUS on that day and the MOON squares PLUTO on that day before VENUS makes the exact square to PLUTO this aspect will be pretty hot in the skies in reality there's like a shakespeare line rough winds do shake the darling buds of May these are the rough winds even though it's not really like air sign energy it could be pretty rough being manipulated or perhaps even though it doesn't feel good you like connect to some way that you are being manipulated in the present and that's connected to like some way you were manipulated in the past Maybe VENUS wants to be outgoing and be seen PLUTO tries to stop that but in a sneaky way with PLUTO the power struggle is often unconscious but it could also be like a powerful creative signature so if you get in your workshop this might be a good time for that nothing happens on the 27th the MOON's not doing anything there are no aspects between other planets if you want to netflix and chill uninterrupted 27th nothing and then the MOON moves into TAURUS though on the 27th with MERCURY so that's an interesting like laying the scene for when VENUS moves into TAURUS where VENUS is dignified again so VENUS has been the winter we had kind of rough territory for VENUS are complicated and then we had VENUS in PISCES where it's exalted where everything was just sort of like overflowing so yeah VENUS is dignified again we're all going to want to be hanging out at the buffet instead of like rising and grinding or whatever unless we're grinding in like the dance way against each other because that's very VENUS in TAURUS there's this ridiculous thing i don't think people do it anymore this really ridiculous thing that happened in like the early 2000s where they would have a party and they would have like a naked woman on a table and they would cover her with sushi it was like a model like i mean whatever to each his own or her own to each their own VENUS and TAURUS makes you think of that you're like eating sushi off of a live model VENUS and TAURUS is very physical like physical pleasures it's not like you necessarily want to toil in the fields right now you'd rather like benefit from the other people's work like having luxuries brought to you you know whatever comes or doesn't come your way just cultivating gratitude for what you have on May 28th MARS conjoins JUPITER this could be like MARS to excess like MARS off the rails you know whatever MARS thing you want to do you're just like turning the blowtorch way up MARS connecting to JUPITER is like the crusader or like joan of arc she got a message from god to do this war and then she did it and she won until she went too far and she lost so there's also that but MARS and ARIES again is like much more harsh than MARS and PISCES but JUPITER does something to make this the metal guitars of MARS and ARIES feel more uplifting and empowering so different from if JUPITER was not there there's like positivity and confidence given to um whatever MARS needs to do whatever conflicts need to be met head on it could also be like conflict with a spiritual teacher or of any teacher like with JUPITER Maybe you butt heads with a teacher and also for more on JUPITER and ARIES you could see in my previous video which is like two videos ago the one about eclipses the time stamp is 16 minutes and 40 seconds when i talk about JUPITER in ARIES independence self-reliance MARS and ARIES conjunct JUPITER in ARIES it's pretty exciting so i'll be ramping up all week also on the 30th we have the dark MOON in GEMINI this will take us out of eclipse season officially we'll get to like approach the newness in our lives the things that we're beginning so i'll talk about the darkMOON in GEMINI in the next video also during the next period the first quarter MOON the darkMOON through the first quarter MOON MERCURY stations direct and SATURN stations retrograde