May 15, 2022: Lunar Eclipse in SCORPIO
May 17, 2022: Mars conjunct Neptune in PISCES
May 18, 2022: Sun in TAURUS trine Pluto in CAPRICORN
May 19, 2022: Mercury retrograde in GEMINI sextile Jupiter in ARIES
May 20, 2022: Sun enters GEMINI
May 21, 2022: Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in GEMINI
May 22, 2022: next...3rd Quarter MOON, Mercury retrograde re-enters TAURUS, other stuff...
it's TAURUS season but everything feels very complicated and gut-wrenching in the southern hemisphere it's the opposite time of year and i think that's when they like slaughter animals anyway it feels more like that feels more like the flip side of like glorious springtime there's a danish children's birthday tradition around cake man so they make a cake in the shape of a man it looks like a giant gingerbread man and the tradition is that the childhood's birthday it is decapitates cake man while all his friends scream with horror and delight that's what it feels like right now so and MERCURY's retrograde so it could be that like um whatever horrifying thing is happening it could be like it's just a cake man don't don't worry about it it also reminds me of when i was a kid i was watching indiana jones and the temple of doom and that movie opens with a sacrifice scene with somebody getting their heart ripped out um i remember being horrified by that as a kid and i remember my dad saying it's it's not real it's um it's a doll and that's just like the word that came out of his head to explain that it's not it's like special effects but that word rung in my brain it made it feel worse than it really was like he was saying it was fake but it somehow made it feel more horrific that's this time um change feels horrific especially lunar eclipses on the south node can feel particularly horrific they're particularly not nice to bodies and money and feelings they pertain to letting go of things that no longer serve you and if you're not really willing to let go of stuff it could be ripped away from you [Music] but Maybe it's just a cake man but also MARS is conjoining NEPTUNE so you know that could also be a thing of like it's just a cake man or um when you decapitate a an effigy made of delicious pastries it could also be that your actions ripple throughout the fabric of reality in ways you could never comprehend so that could also be you know it's just a cake man but it could be some kind of magical act that has implications that you don't even you aren't able to comprehend yet anyway trying to make sense of things right now isn't really the way it makes me think of the idea of irrational numbers which i don't understand if you want to explain that to me like i'm five do it in the comments MARS can join MARS conjoining NEPTUNE which happens on the 17th is like um it makes me think of like punching the water like that's not really the way you confront the water it requires a different approach so you could have a feeling of helplessness because the way you're used to fighting or just taking initiative or taking action or deciding things isn't really fully functional at this time it can also be wrought with like poison or perception or sorry deception um [Music] you know it could be just a cake man but Maybe somebody poisoned it um anyway MARS conjoining NEPTUNE on the 17th MARS being the ruler of this lunar eclipse that happened on the 15th and now the MOON is waning all a waning MOON is like all the energy that has built been built up all the weird eclipse energy from the past two weeks is now being expended so MARS conjoining NEPTUNE could be something like Maybe your relentless enthusiasm um is the thing but also are you prioritizing correctly um there could be like you know NEPTUNE pertains to delusion so it could be like picking fights that don't need to happen or getting worked up about something that's not a big deal decapitating something but it's just a cake man you know thinking taking your aggression out on in a way that either has implications that ripple through reality in irrational and unexpected ways or things just feel very futile and you feel helpless MARS conjoining NEPTUNE you could be thrown off course by emotional concerns that's easy with the eclipse um [Music] energy also MARS conjoining NEPTUNE and MARS and this is happening in PISCES it all makes me think of like the spidey sense like you know something you understand but you don't understand it in like conventional ways like you didn't do the math you just know it and does that mean it's MARS conjoining NEPTUNE so are you deluded or does your spidey sense work that's kind of what a spidey sense is you're learning to work it's a way of knowing that can't really be quantified and it requires practice and an understanding of um the the boundary between what's quote unquote real and what isn't anyway MARS conjoins NEPTUNE May 17th two days after the eclipse and MARS ruled the eclipse on the 15th so that aspect feels like the epilogue or the beginning of the epilogue or something the beginning of the last chapter Maybe the MOON is waning on the 18th the SUN trines PLUTO so SUN PLUTO aspects strike me as like somehow sneaky there's some undercurrent um you know something backhanded or it might just be like um something is working through your subconscious that doesn't you know Maybe you're you're operating from a subconscious realm and you don't really understand it but um SUN trining PLUTO a trine is like easy and expansive and it tends to be more constructive although that's not necessarily the case always but i think of like digging deep like you have to dig deep and this time it's a trine so this time affords you that and also the SUN is just coming off a conjunction with the fixed star algol which is the nastiest star in our in the stars we work with in astrology the main ones it's an eclipsing binary um i'm blinking MERCURY's retrograde i can't i can't even with this time Maybe some of you feel that way it's not like everything's bad it's it's everything definitely feels bad but everything always heals that's what eclipses are a lunar eclipse the MOON turns red and if you didn't know that was happening you'd be like them it's going away forever how am i going to hunt and then by the next flu nation the MOON comes back and Maybe things transpired during the time the MOON turned red because you freaked out and weird stuff happened like Maybe you like were talking to your friend about the how the MOON is red and you're freaking out and Maybe you like tripped over a branch and fell into a hole and you sprained your ankle and so like a temporary thing that happened in a temporary emotional state resulted in something more permanent that has more lasting implications but the MOON comes back and is normal and Maybe things aren't always exactly the same as they were but things heal and with the MOON or sorry with the SUN trining PLUTO on the 18th um i like the idea of wounds being a gateway a wound like on your actual flesh is a transgression of the boundary between you and the outside world and the stuff that happens around healing can end up resulting in evolution that you might not have come by unless you're a wounded that's not to make light of wounds because none of that always feels good but perhaps there's something a wound you healed from in the past that afforded you some form of empowerment and now the SUN is trining PLUTO on May 18th and you can access that empowerment that you only get from tribulation or Maybe there's like you're identifying with something taboo and you're okay with it SUNshine PLUTO May 18th slash 19th also on the 19th MERCURY who is retrograde sextiles PLUTO and here we're following our curiosity MERCURY is in GEMINI but mistakes will be made and mistakes can be portals to discovery it might be that there's an opportunity for like some kind of up or Maybe something gets messed up um and Maybe somehow that is beneficial or inspiring or Maybe an opportunity is presented that um ends up that you know if you take it it ends up being not all that it's cracked up to be or um there's some sort of caveat later or it ends up getting reassessed um so MERCURY is retrograde and sextiling JUPITER and MERCURY will sextile JUPITER when it's direct um after it you know it's done being retrograde it goes direct and then it goes back into GEMINI it will sextile JUPITER on June 19th so something that happens May 19th might be reassessed June 19th and it pertains to our curiosity um conveyance of information travel delivery of things or ideas and our faith our sense of faith our sense of optimism and opportunities so that's May 19th and then on May 20th and 21st the SUN enters GEMINI and then um on the 20th and then on the 21st the SUN conjoins MERCURY retrograde so that's the inferior conjunction of MERCURY with the SUN which means that MERCURY is in between the earth and the SUN you could also call it the interior conjunction inferior the word it doesn't mean it's lesser just means it's interior this is also referred to as the cazimi um so when the when MERCURY is exactly conjoining the SUN especially in GEMINI there could be some sort of deep insight again it's like as if you fell down a hole and um [Music] and there's this whole expansive world and you find that there are hundreds of roots back out you know back up to the land above and even if you just go back the way you came you can't unsee all that and something about being able to see all the possibilities is useful again even if you could just go back the way you came or even if you like stay down there [Music] sometimes being able to see possibilities the deep structure of things sometimes it's easier to understand what something is like what your route your chosen route is by being able to see all the things that it's not it also might result in an insight that um you're not able to Maybe metabolize right now or it's not like completely bioavailable like you might not know how to use it at this moment or you might be excited to use it at this moment but it ends up not panning out to something immediate but can be something useful for later it reminds me of it's like you're seeing what's under the hood um it reminds me of how and also like it's MERCURY in the underworld it's the interior conjunction so Maybe it's not pretty um the truth you find out but it will definitely be interesting or fascinating one time when i was in middle school i had this it was like a rubik's pen so it's not a rubik's cube everything was like cylindrical um on this on like a big writing pin and i was messing around with it in class not listening to what was being said and suddenly everything fell together and i understood the structure of how this pen was like a rubik's cube and how and i i like suddenly understood how to solve a rubik's cube it just like all um fell together beautifully but when i was a kid you couldn't really like go on amazon and buy a rubik's cube so i had to like remember Maybe like next time i was at the mall or to ask for it for christmas or something so i never ended up getting one and solving it and then um i bought this like in quarantine and i was like i'm gonna figure it out even if i have to look it up but i never did um anyway so that was like a very exciting insight it didn't really lead to anything but it is helpful in knowing that like with deep contemplation and going far inward you can suss out this this a structure's secrets or a puzzles secrets or a conundrum secrets like you know i still can't solve a rubik's cube but that information ended up being useful to me you get like MERCURY conjoining the SUN in GEMINI while MERCURY's retrograde is like um you get a download or there's an opportunity to get a download but again um it May or May not be useful right this minute so don't be discouraged if you can't use it right away i'm experimenting with doing these more frequently so this video stops at the third quarter MOON which is on the 22nd and that's also the day that MERCURY retrograde moves back into TAURUS where we reassess things that happened whilst MERCURY was transiting TAURUS but i'll explain that in the next video