It is recommended to review this post once or twice over the coming weeks to check in with how dynamics are playing out.
For January 3rd – February 15 (delineations by zodiac sign below ⇣):
Our mission now involves completion of some great work through fusions with technology and with disparate parts of ourselves. Sagittarius offers the warrior extended range, and arrows can be launched in three hundred sixty degrees. Mars’ arrows are fire lit, and they can burn through even desirable or innocent things in pursuit of a goal. Arguments can be exacerbated, excessive heat fused with the fervency of belief and the antigravity of enthusiasm.
If we’re unconsciously fighting through frustration for lack of clear or worthy direction, we open ourselves to the possibility of belligerent tantrum. Without an identifiable and noble target it could be better to confine ourselves—to direct our own unbearably high temps towards refinement of our resolve and spirit, to reshape and retool our acumen in whatever part of life is represented in our natal data by Sagittarius. If we can manage to approach this time by way of the forge and the alembic, there’s potential for meaningful success.
What tools can we create that, like the bow and arrow, will allow us to touch our impossibly far away targets? What dualities can we fuse into something that will get us around, further and faster? How can material technologies and spiritual fusions help us to approach conflict in a way that brings unity and meaning? What internal and external struggles can we incorporate in order to increase our reach?
Jan 03 Mars enters Sagittarius.
Jan 25 ☿ * ♂ • Jan 26 ♀ □ ♂• Jan 28 ♂ □ ♆
Feb 15 Mars leaves Sagittarius, enters Capricorn.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
For the coming weeks you are more brash and proactive than usual. Your view is through the knight’s helm, and also you are perceived as such. This can be a time to ensure that as you act with great enthusiasm and confidence, you also remember to act with grace and care. What happens during this time—though your very self—will have some effect on your creative practice, your creations or your partying, as well as the part of life that pertains to blank isolation.
Late January aspects: (1) Neighborhood problem-solving. (2) At home or with family, amplified passion and discord together and also Wu wei.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
Internal struggle affects your home life and your colleagues or audience. Internal struggle can mean self-undoing, and also an opportunity to use the transformative power of friction. You could use this time to achieve extravagant depth of field in regards to a spiritual relationship with nothingness, or you could inadvertently piss someone off because you’ve acted through the spirit of self-sabotage.
Late January aspects: (1) Transcendent object-lesson. (2) Vigorously float through your schedule, plus near-lascivious everyday magnetism that has the potential to become harsh with equal intensity.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
You are more likely during this time to enter into some sort of group fire fight social media scuffle, but you could also stand up to injustice in a group’s stead. Further, you could also get into trouble defending something you believe is right. Use your heightened sense of proactivity to foster wisdom throughout the community, rather than aggressive insistence that everyone adopt your philosophical position. Your sense of mission rules your neighborhood and schedule, and also your career, so be aware that over the next few weeks both the positive and negative consequences of your vigorous engagement with groups can affect the landscape of both your achievements and your day-to-day.
Late January aspects: (1) A gentle opportunity to engineer a group solution. (2) Money or just nice things have the potential to relate to conflict through the energy of passion.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
What are you doing with your life? Your desire to do things your way could also lead to having to put out some fires. With a thoroughly unambiguous understanding of what you are working towards and how that is meaningful, you could point the highly focused energy of the coming weeks right at what you’re after and let her rip. Regardless of the level of detail in your understanding of your ultimate role, you can allow an undeviating current of heat and force to help you engage a near spiritual practice of truth and its role in what is truly significant. Your success in these affairs has your personal philosophy, travel, the law, and your money and materia all possibly heavily implicated.
Late January aspects: (1) Use inner turmoil to fix things rather than fuck things up. (2) Use your own currently heightened magnetism for leadership rather than lure others into conflict. Be an enchanting pilot in a meditative trance as opposed to a torpedo with no identifiable target.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
You may find yourself fighting for what you believe in times three thousand. The stakes are your sense of self and your shared resources: debt, taxes and things inevitable. Differences of philosophical opinion are likely to trigger your potentially overdeveloped inner warrior at this time. This is also a period a few weeks wherein you may be pulled towards travel, which presents either difficulty or constructive challenge.
Late January aspects: (1) The hive mind could offer solutions to your philosophical debates, or this dynamic could initiate something like a Twitter argument. (2) A desire to take care of someone who needs help, possibly to the detriment of your own needs, could inform or be inspired by your philosophy; just make sure you do not direct your flaming arrows towards subjecting the one in your charge to how you’re sacrificing so much to help them. Either this or something at church or at school or on vacay leads you to some sort of tryst. All of this could be either a transcendent opportunity for growth or some sort of albatross.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
Now is a great time to consider avoiding collaboration and being effective on your own. You may find that shared efforts are at this time wrought with disagreements—walking on eggshells of what is jointly held. Proceed with utmost caution in the participation in various shared economic arrangements. This potentially troubling dynamic affects your close relationships, and less obviously has bearing on the spacious antigravity of your consciousness. On that note, another thing that could be included in the shared realm are things that might not normally be your problem save for the fact that someone has recently made it so…
Late January aspects: (1) The quality of struggle which marks your part in various material and immaterial resources of others presents some kind of opportunity to engineer professional benefit. (2) The greater community, currently characterized by fascination and allure in a sweet, friendly embodied sense as well as in a transcendent if rather confusing sense, combines loudly with this focus on what’s shared in a way that is so powerful as to be potentially disruptive.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
You may experience close relationships as irritable and fighty, or you may experience others of significance as assertive—in a great way or in a not great way or something in the middle. What happens between you two influences the scope of your upkeep and admin and overall health, and also affects your participation in community or audience engagement. Understand your own propensity for dividing things into parts in order to get at a resolution, and that others to whom you are attracted to having interactions may insist on unification, and these are just styles of learning that live on opposite ends of a single axis.
Late January aspects: (1) Bring in what you’ve come to know of the world or of reality or of philosophy to potentially ameliorate conflict through problem-solving. (2) Attraction of all kinds—where it’s at least professional and at most highly visible—hurls, possibly unconsciously, some provocative water balloons into the fight. Decide ahead of time how you might harness this energy for good.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
Your warrior spirit, your sense of offense and defense, has a lot of constructive work to do in the place where you perform various types of upkeep and admin. During this time you have the capacity to get a lot done, and at the end of this period you can then expound upon the various ways in which you’ve conquered your to-do list. Make sure this list includes care and soothing, cooling attention towards your human bodymind. Intimately implicated in your currently heightened ability to take care of what needs doing are your stores of creative energy and your overall professional reputation and achievements.
Late January aspects: (1) Shared resources offer an opportunity for further potential benefit in regards to keeping things in good working order. (2) The sweetness and passion of your various literal and philosophical travels is somehow at odds with all of the above, although there’s always the potential to instead strike a powerful resonance.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
There is a higher probability during this time that you are the party who is generating the conflict. The landscape of this transit is a place of creation and use of such energies, and the function which operates within it over the coming weeks is one, in part, of destruction. The suggestion in the intro about use of heat and friction in order to reshape yourself in some way or to achieve meaningful evolution through the heat of struggle could be very useful in regards to ongoing cultivation of future creative effecacy. Other fields of experience on which effects are notable are your home and private life, and the battlefields of your capacity to voyage literally and figuratively.
Late January aspects: (1) Lively adaptability in the realm of one-on-one relationships offers potentially favorable conditions to what is described above. (2) Access to the someone else’s opulence, however gross or subtle or psychic or unclear, operates loudly at a potentially stressful angle to all this, but this has be potential to be harnessed.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
The home or overall private life takes on some qualities of the prison yard: Lots of activity that is not so well-suited for the living room, wrought with offense and defense. There is a real possibility of rudeness or destruction between you and others with whom you share your private life. Also involved are your neighborhood and the resources you hold jointly, which includes collaborations, debts, taxes. As a good use of all the domestic and ancestral energy, find a way to bake all this into a metaphorical pie. It doesn’t have to be sweet—it could instead be savory.
Late January aspects: (1) Problem solving potential comes from skill and dexterity of mind and or body. Work to keep the energy focused. (2) The allure of one-on-one relations and also how that person(s) may or may not actually be very helpful to you could fling yet another hot wrench into your foyer. Per aspect 1 above, maybe there is something whose repair requires use of such an implement.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
Your various regular rituals and observances are energized for the next while. Adding or maintaining meditation practice as a part of your schedule could help to ground your energy and smooth over some of the potential for conflict in your day-to-day. For the next while your schedule is a struggle that you can make noble, and the various missions will have their impact on money and your close relationships.
Late January aspects: (1) The ability to use technical skill or information creatively brings potential benefit your neighborhood and calendar. (2) The sweetness and joy, or the difficult to understand sense of sacrifice, in the part of life where you do what needs to be done strikes a potentially irritating and/or powerful tone with your various timetables and immediate surroundings.
For Mars’ transit thru Sagittarius January 03 – February 15
Over the coming weeks there is strong potential to rapidly consume material resources, especially in regards to what you believe is right, so try to restrict unnecessary or frivolous transactions. Your financial and material sector is seriously invigorated, and you’re invited to shoot flaming arrows right into the heart of anything you might want to achieve in that regard. The way your sense of directed effort is applied to your finances will ripple throughout how you see the world and how others see you, as well as how you martial your forces for overall upkeep and get all the things done that need doing.
Late January aspects: (1) Agility and proficiency in regards to home or family offers potential benefit to the topic of coin and possessions. (2) The luxuriously simmering—if a bit befuddled—rainbow realm of art and partying, or just the unstructured free time of children, may want to hit a wall against your finances. Instead, ride it as you might some treacherous wave.
I lead ASTROLOGY HOUR on Sunday nights at Yogala Studios in Los Angeles.
Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel, The Vision and Inspiration (Joan of Arc series: I), c. 1907-early 1909, oil and gold leaf on canvas