Focus is at first pulled to the way that some things are more than the sum of their parts, and also that all parts do equal a sum. This is a sort of interim period, host to what can be sorted out, processed and relinquished. Try mostly to listen, reflect and clear out as a strange and artificial night extends throughout the early Winter…
A mountain can be a soap box. Make sure such a platform does not change the information. • For a short time you may feel intense loneliness that has its roots in home. • Dump some or all of your stray thoughts or speech into meditation. • Your self right now shines through the neighborhood, and also there’s a sensitivity towards whom you encounter, and the potential benefits are predicated upon how well you’re able to see underwater. • Ruthlessly edit the hopes and faiths you harbor about your own presence. The image here is of removing things from the mood board.
Attempt reconciliation between the brass tacks of the unseen and the ineffable wisdom that emerges from the same place. • A depression could well up from the neighborhood and pour into the place where you naturally experience feelings of loss and isolation. In meditation, you eliminate thoughts not by denying yourself them, but by being present for them. Beams of light from this place where all the information and function is invisible will shine on your money and your possessions in a way that could be confusing or compassionate or imaginative. Now close your eyes and prune the tendrils of your sense of faith that grows within the garden of your mind.
It is said that a computer is a bicycle for the mind, and also one translation of the word mantra can be “mind vehicle.” These are ideas to consider in regards to unfettering yourself from the grandstand’s restraints. • Swiftness, courage, energy and possible conflict for several weeks in regards to what you’re trying to achieve. • A beam of sensitivity promotes awareness around blurred self and a chilly landscape of peers in a way that suggests potential benefit. • Your audience and colleagues, your ways around large groups: this field of experience is thoroughly overcrowded. Perhaps this is the classic “trying to be all things to all people.” You know the drill: develop what sparks joy and refrain from devoting energy to whatever else.
Consider what you’ve learned by osmosis and find a way to speak it through your achievements. • Meanwhile, your philosophical acumen begins a period of several weeks wherein it is energized, possibly to the point of obnoxious struggle: carefully consider your targets. • Cold and stony light shines into the waters of your psyche, and you could use your technical skill to make something of this illumination as a part of your role in the grand scheme of things. • As you consider things broadly, fill a vessel with what no longer serves you in regards to your role in the world.
The dry way is dedicated study and the wet way is direct transmission. Now is a time for both. • Feelings rend from the depths of your psyche up to a cloud that is shaped like what you’re trying to achieve. • Later, environmental and interpersonal sensitivity could either interfere with that or strike a powerful, if rather loud, resonance. • Your philosophy may direct energy towards sensitivity to others and willingness to help your colleagues or your audience. • Note what places on the map through which you no longer need to travel.
Focus is pulled to the way that some things are more than the sum of their parts, and to fix them you need skills but also a certain je ne sais quoi. • You’re invited to eliminate the thoughts you are thinking that are actually other people’s thoughts. • A light shines up through the waters of your professional purview from the realm of shared resources. The power of your imagination could help you to understand or creatively express something about death or the inevitable, and maybe no one will get it. • What can you let go of in regards to the way that shared resources help you to achieve beneficial growth? Not necessarily all of it, but maybe all of it.
Heightened career stuff for the first day or two. • There’s what you read and what you hear and what you come to understand from synthesis or over time. This applies most strongly to your one on one relationships. • Your need to take care of business takes on a relentless pace over the coming weeks. • A couple days of colleagues and audience and then a couple days of solitude and meditation. Find ways to prioritize powering down from the 6th to the 9th for a more productive month ahead. • The technical aspects of your personal relationships could somehow inform your overall personal philosophy. • To prepare for opportunities for interpersonal faith and growth, release loose spiritual gravel.
You can take care of business by way of the to-do list and by way of the blessing. Find a way to fuse these disparate methods. And perhaps there are parts of the process with which you can do away all together. • A bit of spirit light from the ambitious, craggy settlement that represents your literal and administrative immune system shines up into the wavy fathoms of what is shared and what is owed. An opportunity for subtle and mysterious expression or some strategic movement through the same waters from the same proactive peaks. • Take your to-do list and shoot a few pies down from the sky for much some needed room to grow.
You can learn practical skills through play and also mystical ones. And you can eliminate unnecessary communications by being present to them. • Something about unstructured play or about children in general creates a whimsical point of contact in regards to an important relationship. • Related, you may share your art with someone close and they may not understand it, which is ok because it is subtle and characterized by a measure of infinity. • What faiths—in regards to what you have created, or will create, or in regards to how you have fun—can you dispense with in order to have room for real, meaningful development?
Allow wisdom to emerge around family and home, but also incorporate real information. These two methods are at odds but right now is an opportunity to fuse them. • Your schedule will be energized in the coming weeks. • An opportunity for short, sweet confluence between an important relationship and your art or your fun or your kids. Then an irritating tone between what is shared and owed and what you create. • The month’s consciousness and identity building around private life illuminates what needs to be done in a way that has the potential to be helpful. As you fortify your foundations with ambition and optimism, first choose some ideals or buoyant parts of the plan to sublimate into nothingness.
Discover your schedule as a meticulous technical tool and also as a means for unexplained spiritual growth. • Your finances are energized for the next few weeks. Limit unnecessary or impulsive transactions. Luckily, the pacing of things here supports working fast • The freezing rock cliffs of your schedule could be interfering with your overall ability administer and maintain. • There may be some sort of fun to be had in the neighborhood. • As you make plans for growth, decide whether there are unused keys on your ring that you no longer need to be carrying around.
A chance to reconcile two different types of learning: The object lesson blends with works of faith in regards to the financial and the material. • You may feel energized to the point of irritability. This could be a time to get some things done on your own, without the “help” of others. • Your finances or your material things somehow offer through the mists an opportunity to benefit home or family or private life. • There is a lot to aspire to financially, but identify a portion that you will allow to fall off ambition’s ridge and into the void so that what remains can flourish.
I lead ASTROLOGY HOUR on Sunday nights at Yogala Studios in Los Angeles.
Header img: Detail, Still Life with Silver, Alexandre François Desportes ca. 1715–23