From a traditional astrological perspective, Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions (the planets appear to conjoin from Earth’s point of view), which occur roughly every 20 years, are said to be associated with change in leadership.
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur in the signs of the same “element”* for about 200 years, after which they begin taking place in signs that share a different element. In spatial terms, the conjunctions form a triangular pattern in relation to Earth, and every 200 years, that shape shifts to a new orientation/“points” in a different direction. In traditional astrological parlance this is referred to as a “change in triplicity.”
*The “elements” in this case are not as much about isolated substances as the are about deriving descriptive qualities from the states of matter.
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions (♃ ☌ ♄) which herald the change in triplicity are traditionally associated with something like a change in dynasty. The upcoming ♃ ☌ ♄ occurs in Aquarius, an air sign, after 200 years of conjunctions in Earth signs, the historical timeline of which roughly coincides with the global material/monetary/power shifts and overhauls beginning with a period now commonly referred to as The Industrial Revolution.
The “benefits, coherence, truth and growth” function in our source code (the shorthand for which in astrological languange is “Jupiter”) now and for the next while operates from a place where the scenery, reality logic, gameplay and boss are all characterized by opposite qualities of negation, isolation, endurance and restriction (the astrological shorthand for which is “Saturn”).
During this time Jupiter functions on behalf of Saturn.
Saturn is the only planet that presides offer two consecutive zodiacal holdings (two slices of the circle, or “signs of the zodiac”), and over the past ≈ year, Jupiter has traveled through Capricorn, Saturn’s cardinal Earth sign, a realm wherein reality is structured such that Jupiter’s way of doing things is significantly debilitated. For the past year, amidst—amongst other difficult signatures—the closing and opening of a long-term cycle traditionally attributed to crisis and constriction (the Saturn-Pluto conjunction), the “blessings and awesomeness” function in our source code has been all glitchy and incapacitated.
Jupiter’s 2021 transit of Aquarius (Jupiter’s upcoming ingress happens to roughly coincide with the change in our calendar year), Saturn’s fixed Air sign, especially with the ruling function also operating from that place (Saturn’s transit of Aquarius), suggests that, comparatively, we don’t have “totally amazing,” but possibly a modified or less dour/heavy/grinding endings-oriented version of restriction, trial, and obligation. If a cartoon version of Saturn in Capricorn is Death, the past and institutions, a cartoon version of Saturn in Aquarius could be a different sort of Death, more forward-looking, a chilled analytical optimism, dystopian/utopian futures and the collective, for better or for worse.
While a Jupiter which operates alongside Saturn from Aquarius can support you as you do Saturn things, and bring potential benefit form intentional orientations towards patience, discipline and duty, this signature canals potentially help structures to inure communities and collectives to new rules and restrictions, the heaviness and consequences of which might not develop or be felt until much later. with the upcoming ♃ ☌ ♄, we have a such a tonal contrast from the harsh configurations of recent months that it could be well advised to scrutinize the wafts of optimism, and to take them with a grain of lead.