2024 Astrology Calendar


2024 Astrology Calendar

from $6.00

The BEST year-at-a-glance astrological wall calendar

I’ve designed the astrology calendar
I want to see in the world.

Now nerdier than ever

If you’re new to astrology, you’ll have to look up what all the symbols mean, because this year I replaced the legend at the bottom with a full listing of calculated points for every lunation, station and major aspect.

Rhetorius-approved ✅

The ancients would have clamored to get their hands on this ready-made convenience.

Your calendaring sessions just got more intimate
with the overlapping cyclical influences that affect us all.

Give yourself or the astrologer in your life the gift of
instant understanding of the shape of the year.

Learn by osmisis 📖

if you’re new to astrology, just having the calendar within regular eyesight can help you get working knowledge of the glyphs and the connection that astro-data has with our lived experience.

Get more connected to nature 🍃

If this is your first year, you’ll be easily led in to the most ancient and second-most apparent of cyclical rhythms:

The changing of the seasons, and our lunar cycles. And:

You’ll begin to understand
the influence
of day and night
in a different light.

(Day vs. night, by the way, is the most ancient and first-most apparent cyclical rhythm of light, otherwise known as an “astrological influence.”)

The Hindu practice of astrology, by the way, is called ज्योतिष, or jyotiṣa, which translates to “science of light.”

Speaking of which…

The 2024 Astrology Calendar comes in

🌤 Day mode:

A business class curiosity
for your Tablinium,
where you take your meetings.

🌌 Night mode (Limited Edition):

For your moody corner,
where you experience evening Swadhyaya.

Heal our planet 🌍✨

Pick up a 2024 Astrology Calendar today:

Get back in touch
with the rhythmic breath
of our living cosmos.


20” x 16”, 100lb cardstock